If you are for this suggestion please post something at-least, to help it get seen.
I believe these two features are two of the most desired features of the game.
The ability to Duel anyone in the non-pvp areas of the game. (allowing it in WvWvW would keep players who actually want to do what you’re supposed to do there from getting in. Allowing it in the mists, would also be a problem as there would be too many duels in the main area. A gladiator like arena could be done for 1v1 duels if people wanted that.)
Dueling should work similar to the WoW feature where you simply type /duel (person’s name or if left empty current target)
Dueling must be accepted. For it to begin.
A count down would be displayed to both combatants, once the countdown ends, both players become enemies to each-other. Enemy NPC’s can still do damage to the players, this is to prevent the dueling system from being exploited to get through tough parts of the game.
To enhance the dueling experience and show to everyone that a duel is taking place, a circle should display on the ground around the players,(maybe a small ring of fire?) if the players go outside the circle for too long they forfeit the match.
Once a player defeats another player, the defeated player is not killed, but is downed and must get back up.
The duel ends when the player becomes downed.
Above the winning duelist a symbol appears for a short period to indicate he won.
RPers and regular players alike would love this feature.
Guild Halls
Completely separate from the above idea.
Players who played the first Guild Wars, remember the amazing Guild halls and Guild battles. That was one element of Guild Wars that was shocking to not have, in-fact it actually makes the name of the game meaningless. Guild Halls, their beautiful maps, the upgrades that could be made to them, and the actual battles themselves were fantastic. Guild Halls were also great for RP players allowing them to call a place home, give guilds a formal meeting place.
A physical location in the game isn’t necessary, a simple asura gate from LA to your guild’s guild hall would suffice. As well as a button in the pvp section of your hero screen would be great.
As stated before if you like the ideas please comment, if you don’t like the ideas, suggest ideas to improve them.