Guild Improvements

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Hey Guys

I’d like to keep this short and simple so I think I will simply list all the things I think Guilds need added to improve functionality and Leader>Member>Guild communication/participation.

- Guild Funded Repairs

- Notes in Roster on each Member

- Limited Withdrawals from Guild Stash etc. (e.g. 1 withdraw per 24 hours)

- Message of the Display printed in Guild Chat upon user login (just for that member)

- Rank Option to have some form of “highlighted” comment feature. For announcements etc.

- Auto-Represent the first Guild you join, but show a tool-tip explaining this feature (I find I have to explain this to well over 50% of new members, especially new players or ex-WoW players)

- Guild Calendar or some way of in-game scheduled Events.

Thats about all i have right now. I know most of these features are present in other MMOs (yes, World of Warcraft). But i really don’t think its a game of “copycat”. They are all sound features, and will help Guilds in GW2 in similar, but also different ways. As it stands now, i find it hard to get members into events, as they have to go to our website to find out about them.

Also the Represent feature is nice to be able to join multiple guilds, but it is commonly unheard of, and lots of players don’t know about it till I explain to them, and even don’t realise they join the Guild with their account, not character.

Limited Withdrawals are VITAL. As it stands, most of my newer members are not able to access our Guild Stash, due to the possibility of a dedicated Ninja. (a person who joins a guild only to steal from their bank). I wouldn’t mind losing an item, and then tracking the player who did it, but the whole bank is too much. As it stands, I only give the longer term, and more trusted members access, as its the only way to be safe.

Finally, the Guild Message of the Day being published in the chat upon login is such a simple feature I can’t believe it isn’t there already. Barely any regular members check the Guild Interface (G), let alone frequently. And the last thing they are looking for is the small, 1/4 of the interface message of the day, in that strange font ANet decided on. It should be published to chat, its such a short message that it wouldn’t be obstructing anything.

TL;DR is the list up the top.

Thanks for reading my post, input is greatly appreciated


(edited by Revenge.3892)

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Reserved for Future Use (and bump)

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Essarious Quw.8946

Essarious Quw.8946

Gosh I hadn’t even considered having a repair merchant that is paid for from guild funds but I really like the idea. The biggest problem we have with getting people to join us in WvW is the repair costs to high level armour so if we could spread the burden like this it would be a really useful tool for guilds as a whole.

And as for the message of the day: it was a feature of guild wars 1 that it would appear in the chat box whenever you logged in or it was changed. I was surprised that this wasn’t the case in the sequel given how vital it was especially as GW1 slipped into inactivity for keeping players updated on what is going on where.

I like all of these suggestions

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lillium.6481


I would greatly appreciate an Officer Chat feature for guilds. I frequently find myself needing to discuss things with multiple other Officers that are not the business of our entire 300+ guild.

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparhawk.9120


I know that some of these have been posted in other areas to include the post above. I included these not as my ideas but as support for them. Last, for this being Guild Wars, I feel as if the Guild portion of it didn’t get the full attention it maybe should have.

General Guild Functionality
Allow guilds to identify a home server and notify members not on that server of their status.
I like the idea of a guild merchant to help earn funds for the guild or give an option for those selling in the black lion to donate the earnings to the guild. This could help support the guild repair merc idea above.
I don’t like the taxes idea, but an option for players to auto donate earnings would be great. Could be a % or actual amount like 2-4c. Even a donate option would be nice with it going directly to the deepest part of the guild stash.

Guild Roster
This needs some real help to be truly functional.
The information for the member should include. Join date, last login, Last represent, influence earned for the guild.
Only show online if they are on the map or have the location show as logging in.
First time guild members should be auto-represent their first guild.
Split the display by Rank, with online members of that rank shown first. Similar to GW1
Ultima Online has a function where there is an official page for both the guild and player. For the guild it shows the roster, rank and other vitals. This will help with out of game coordination. For the player it shows stats, accomplishments, etc (similar to HoM, but by toon, not account)

Player Notes
This could be done by doing a second “rank” structure that only officers can see. This way officers could easily identify good members and those that are “on warning”. With such large guilds there needs to be an easier way to help track and manage members.

Guild Events/Calendar
MMOs are so players can play with other players. There is no functional way for guilds to prepare and advertise events in game. MoTD is not a functional tool due to its limited char count except for a one-time event at best. Our guild also holds reoccurring events that we would like to post in-game for members to see.

Message of the Day
Auto publish to guild chat upon log-in or a change in the message.
Allow for an edit vs. re-writing the entire message.
Show a character count remaining so we can better prepare our message.

Guild Stash
Include a crafting pane similar to the personal bank for sharing mats with other guild members.
Create separate permissions for items vs. gold. This allows for members to have full access to the items while still contribute to the guild fund without worries that someone other than an officer can take it out.

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Thanks for the input guys!
Sparhawk you definitely covered it in a lot more detail then i was able to in my OP. So many features this game is missing for general Guild functionality that its surprising its selling as GUILD Wars 2.

I’ll be sure to add more ideas, and more depth as i think of it. More feedback would be awesome guys!

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Bump Night guys, hope to hear some more opinions

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Just another idea I had.

Similar to the Nickname feature in chat, i think you should be able to give nicknames to players. Changing their account name to a nickname is good, but I’d like to see the bold one changeable as well.

Also, i think Guild members logging in should be announced in “Game Messages” as well as Friends. Friends maybe a bit more highlighted.

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Bumpity Bump Bump.

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ditsy.4039


I agree with most of this, but in particular:
- please allow MoTD to be edited
- officer chat. This game already causes me a lot more admin around guilds due to the amount I end up explaining about representation, we could really do without having to whisper multiple officers the same thing to get a message across. We do use Voicechat, but not everyone is able to use it all the time (nor should they have to)
- auto-represent the first character on an account to join a guild AND all other characters whilst the account is only in one guild. Add some tutorials/tooltips to explain representation, it’s poorly understood, and guild leaders would like some time to play, not have to type so much to guild members about this stuff.
- data on when a guild member last represented the guild, and what percentage of their playing time they represent the guild. Currently I make all our guild members aware at outset that we’re not interested in guild members that wish to be in multiple guilds. The current system means that officers form subjective opinions on whether members are ‘active’ members of our guild, it would be much better if we had statistics.

I don’t think these have been mentioned yet:
- add fields for entering the guild’s website and voicechat information, currently I have to retype the website information into every MoTD as even established members ask for it for time to time
- on our website I’ve added a script that allows guild members to connect to Mumble (the voicechat system we use) by clicking a button. Without this system we lose a ridiculous amount of time explaining to new members how to log into it. Even with a full page of step by step instructions people still regularly fail to set it up, yet generally the auto-connect script works. It’s not Mumble itself, we’ve had the same experience with other chat systems. Supporting someone via in-game chat to get set up on a voicechat system generally involves a fair amount of typing. It would be really helpful to have this type of auto-connect feature added into guilds. I’m not suggesting we be allowed to add scripts to GW2 so much, I’m thinking the scripts for the main voicechat systems (Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrilo spring to mind) could be integrated into the game and we couuld be allowed to input the setup information within the guild interface.
- ability to set times for consumables to auto-activate so it doesn’t rely on a guild officer being online to make it happen
- ability to see all characters within a guild. Only seeing the currently played/last played character on an account makes it hard to establish how many of what character level we have when attempting to plan events.

(edited by Ditsy.4039)

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

more guild functions options etc is always good.

i support!

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falcon Night.4653

Falcon Night.4653

I like the Guild repair smith idea.
Also, there should be rewards for Guilds who have members who have all completed all the story mode Dungeons. In a way this encourages older members to help new recruits through the story mode of Dungeons and as the game matures and it becomes harder and harder to find pugs to do story mode, it encourages players to join Guilds (this games is called *Guild*Wars2 after all.)
I would also like to see:
Guild Hall
Guild Tabard (optional display.)
Guild rank next your character name in-game (optional, select to show or not)
Maybe even a design your own guild armour competition for guilds. Purely cosmetic, and needing a guild of a certain age and influence to be able to create.

These are not the droid you are looking for, move along… → ESO, FireFall, NW :)

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thedev.6470


I would also like to see:
Guild Hall

I did read somewhere that they will be adding guild halls but that will be later on the same goes for player housing.

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenge.3892


Loving the new ideas, i’ll update the OP and/or second post to better show of these ideas and the category they fit in.

As for Guild Halls, they have been talked about a bit, i still think they are planned from my knowledge, and they will be awesome

Guild Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparhawk.9120


Here is another post supporting changes to the guild chat.