Guild Interface

Guild Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khonrad.2476


The guild management features are bad enough for large guilds of people that are ok with using third party site, but for small – medium sized guilds (like mine) it’s near crippling. Getting people to use a third party site just to check for basic things like announcements or event postings is not an easy thing to do, and players should not be required to do it anyway. These things need to be fixed right away.

Guild information

There is no reason not to include a “Guild Information” tab. I should not have to take up the amount of space needed to include the guild’s Teamspeak server IP, password, website address, and reddit address. There should be a tab where I can enter in all of that info, as well as the guild rules and possibly a bit of background on the guild. I should also be able to insert links here, to say reddit or the guild website. If /wiki can open a browser window, why can’t I add a URL to do the same?


The character limit on this is a joke. Couple that with the fact that I need the above information to be included in every single MOTD, and it’s even worse. I also should not have to lose all of the current MOTD when I click “edit”. That makes the edit button more of a “clear” button, really. Also, what’s the purpose of a MOTD if it doesn’t ping when players log in. I have little to no motivation to update it knowing that people may or may not see what I put there. It should ping when you login as well as when it’s changed. That’s pretty basic, imo.

Last Online

This is one of the most astonishingly basic features that’s missing in GW2. I suppose you could put last represented, too, but since I don’t require rep I really don’t mind not having that.

Login Notification

Even if it’s just an option you can toggle on or off, you should have the option to show in chat when guild members login. I’m sick of opening my guild panel periodically just to see if people have logged in.

Message suppression

If I’m trying to send personal messages to my guildies congratulating them on a promotion, or giving them information about something, or sending them bags or materials, I should not be suppressed after 2 kitten messages. I understand the need for suppression, but it seriously needs to either go away or be severely relaxed when messaging people in the same guild.


Communication is everything in a guild. I should be able to send a mass mail message to all my guildies if I need to so that I don’t have to wait for them to all log in and keep track of who I sent mail to already. Put limits on it if you have to, to avoid spamming. Make it cost influence, or merits, or gold, just give us an option. This would solve so many problems.


This isn’t a new concept. The game needs a calendar where I can create an event and send out an alert about the event or an invite to it to all of my members. They should then be able to confirm that they can or cannot attend and it should be marked on the calender as a reminder. It’s 2013, why does this not exist in this game?

These are just some of the most basic things that are desperately needed for guild management. There are others that would be nice as well, but these are the basics that need to be added before they cripple guilds to the point of total destruction. Some other things that would be nice would include:

Player notes

The ability to add RL names, availability, or other notes about guild members would be very useful

Crafting requests

I think it’d be pretty useful, since I can see everyone’s crafting level, if i could right click a 400 cook’s name and click “request omnom bars” or something, which would allow me to send that player the mats (or gold if I didn’t have the mats) needed for the exact amount of bars I needed so that that member could make them for me.

Last but by no means least, this is not by any means my own work, this is a collection of ideas from a number of players. Thank you to all of them for their effort.

Hakuna Matata [HM] : Aurora Glade (EU)

(edited by Khonrad.2476)

Guild Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


Agree with all of the above. Stuff like guild halls can wait. What guilds really need are basic quality of life features such as these. I am fairly disappointed that these features are currently low priority.

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

Guild Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir K E V.1027

Sir K E V.1027

I completely agree with you! The most important guild feature they need to put in the game is “Last time someone logged in.” Guilds are falling apart because of inactivity. It still astonishes me that they removed a perfectly fine guild system from Guild Wars 1 but totally decided to change it when Guild Wars 2 came out.

Guild Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: EvilAlive.7295


Same, Here we want the “Last time logged” and “Last time represented” , At least thoise 2 are really needed to keep track of ur guild activity

Guild Interface

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talenna.4052


I would love to see all the above added!

In addition, I’d like to see a Guild Recruitment facility too, where non-guilded players accessing the guild interface can bring up a list of guilds recruiting on their server.