Guild Panel Improvements

Guild Panel Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

I’m sure that I’m not the first person to bring these up, but there are a few minor changes that could be made to the guild panel that would be very helpful to those of us who run a guild.

Here are some simple fixes which would make our—well, mine at least—lives much easier:

  • Split up the ‘Admin. lower ranks’ options so that inviting and kicking are separate permissions. In my estimation, there is a big difference in severity between the able to invite someone and kick someone. To lump both options into one permission requires too much trust for my peace of mind.
  • Enable the ability to see when a member last logged into the game. This would allow the more hardcore guilds to see how much their membership is contributing. It also allows the more casual guilds—like mine—to see who hasn’t been on very much and see if everything’s well with that person. Perhaps this would be a less-invasive feature if we could only see when they logged in as a person representing our guild.
  • Implement a way to see how much influence each member is generating. While this would allow a more serious guild to see who its top performers are, it would also allow members to see their standing so they can gauge what activities help more than others.
  • Fix the ‘Message of the Day’ panel so that if you want to edit your message of the day, you don’t have to re-type the whole thing. If the input window retained the current MOTD then it would be much easier to edit and update it.

If these topics have already been posted, please forgive the redundancy of this post.


Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] –
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

Guild Panel Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I support this suggestion. I also could add
* pop up the guild message in chat every time you log in with a character similar to GW1

Guild Panel Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198



I’ve seen these same suggestions hundreds of times since launch, and never seen an official response. I think it’s disappointing that guilds are ignored in “Guild Wars 2”.

The worst part is that these improvements would have enormous benefits for guilds and are for the most part very easy to implement. I know quite a few players who gave up and quit because they had expected to get either these mechanics or a response about them months ago.