Guild Rename Contract

Guild Rename Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I know this has been stated elsewhere before but I think it’s time to have this re-suggested. As someone who runs a guild who has acquired a decent bit of influence, but isn’t necessarily so happy with the name that we had chosen, it would be really nice to be able to change it.

I’m actually slightly surprised they haven’t put this in yet, to be honest.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Guild Rename Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


This should be something, that a guikld leader should be able to do at free wil at any given time (hoewve,r once changed, there would be a timeline, that runs until you could change the guild name again, say for example a name change possible once every month or so …)

And it should be something, that should be posisble to do only, once the guild has reached a specific Politics Level so that you would have to invest first influence until you can change the name…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Guild Rename Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: AliceKaye.1903


I’d be happy with that or even paying for it. I don’t care either way, I just think the option should be there in some capacity. It takes a lot of time to get a guild leveled up and we’ve done a lot in the past week or two. But even though we like the name we have, we’ve found that we’re not getting much (if any) interest at all and I fear it could be our name.

Arcanist Norri | Ceirynn | Darbii | Emlyn | Nyssi | Teltiu
Alice Kaye’s Twitter

Guild Rename Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawkeye.2037


+1, there’s a long time I’m waiting for this too… It doesn’t matter if it’s free or not imo. It’s just that It would be stupid to loose all our upgrades just to change a guild name :/ Please release something so we can rename our guilds xD

Guild Rename Contract

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hawkeye.2037


No official answer one year after this question has been asked… can you tell us something about guild rename please ?…