Guild Slash Commands

Guild Slash Commands

in Suggestions

Posted by: Foghladha.2506


It would be really nice to have these aliases added for / commands. Would simplify guild management quite a bit.

/ginvite <ArenaNet ID>
Invites User to Currently Represented Guild
Example: /ginvite User.1234

/gpromote <ArenaNet ID>
Promotes User 1 Rank
Example: /gpromote User.1234

/gdemote <ArenaNet ID>
Demotes User 1 Rank
Example: /gdemote User.1234

/gmodify <ArenaNet ID> <Rank Name>
Moves User to Rank Name
Example: /gmodify User.1234 Officer

/gkick <ArenaNet ID>
Kicks a User From The Guild
Example: /gkick Troll.6666

/gmotd <Message>
Sets the Guild’s MOTD
Example: /gmotd Slash Commands would make life so much easier!

Allowing us to use slash commands allows us to better implement tools to help guilds run their organization. Right now finding a person to promote in a list of hundreds takes quite a bit of time. Time better spent leading fun activities for people.

With these simple slash commands I could macro my promotions list to my G11 keyboard, invite all the new people, promote those needing promotions, and kick anyone who’s blacklisted all in a matter of minutes. This would save me a ton of time and ensure that my time is spent playing the game instead of managing a roster.

Benjamin “Foghladha.2506” Foley
Founder, Gaiscioch Community [GSCH] | Gaiscioch Magazine | Twitch | YouTube | Twitter
Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant

Guild Slash Commands

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


the right click over the names is doing just those you mentioned