-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Hello Anet,
I am currently leading a 420+ Active member guild on Anvil Rock and as a leader I have some suggestions regarding Guild Control. Now yes some of these suggestions come from my experience from other games however I find they work.

My biggest concern right now is the Guild Bank.

  • Without a way to add a Withdrawal amount to both the Items and the Currency in the Bank and Vault to a daily amount, I am stuck with either giving them Full access to the bank or No access. I was too trusting in the beginning and had a member steal everything from our bank and then Gquit, because of this I was forced to punish the rest of my guild by removing their access.
  • Another problem is the Transaction Log in the bank. If they Take something out and then leave the guild, it won’t display the account name in the log, it says Unknown User.
  • Another Option I would love to see is the addition of Alliances in GW2. I am closing in quickly on the 500 member Max mark and would love to be able to form Alliances with other guilds. Also, maybe increase the Max number of guild members to 1000 next?
  • Another concern is Guild Tags are not Unique. I have seen 8 other guilds using [LoS] as their shorthand tag as well and it can get confusing when people are looking to join LoS because I can’t be sure which they are interested in. Unless they actually know the Name of the Guild you can’t be sure who they want to join.
  • Maybe include a Guild List somewhere on your website that includes information like Name, Size, and a way to contact them in-game? Also, if you add Alliances in the game, a way to see what alliance they are part of?
  • A lot of the Cities are bugged in the game right now, IF you researched guild bank, armor, weapons, and sigil, some cities won’t recognize you’re in a guild and allow you to access the guild vendors.
  • Guild Banquet could be cooler… maybe add some large banners by the table with the Guild Emblem on them, add an Emblem on the Keg. Make the Buffs worth it. Like the Food table buff could last an hour instead of only 10 minutes, and the Keg buff could make you randomly do emotes like dance, sleep, cheer and things like that. Just to make it more party like. Also If you place the Table, you can only place one other buff banner nearby. I was hoping to place the table and one of each of the 4 Public banners for people to use. Make it worth attending the Guild banquet even if you’re not a member.
  • I’ve been told you guys plan on adding a Guild Hall later on, so this is exciting news if it’s true.
  • Guild Weapons, Would love to see some more weapons like Greatsword and Underwater weapons. Another thought would be to add lvl 80 guild weapons with effects on the skin like a glow or something.
  • Coloring Armor is awesome, I wish you would also allow us to change the color of Guild Backpacks and Shields. They kind of just stand out and look weird on your color scheme you’re going for.
  • Another thing that we would love to see is Party Queing in structured PvP, there is no way currently to que with friends and stay on the same team in PvP. So this would be a cool feature, unless you feel it would unbalance the current way you have things setup.
  • The Art of War Upgrades in guild upgrades only last 12 hours, however take 16 hours to build. Maybe extend them to 24 hours to compensate?

That’s all I have for now,
Thank you for hearing me out.
~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Some other thoughts,

  • A way for me as the guild leader to see who is contributing Influence and How much, would offer me another way to pick people to Promote.
  • A way to see when someone last logged in, with a Cap of 500 members I am beginning to feel the pressure of who to cut to make room for people that want to be here, logged on and contributing.
  • If you ever add Mounts in the game, I would love to see Guild Mounts.

~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


  • Maybe add Guild Cloaks in the future?, I was told you had an issue with dodging and cloak mechanics, so I hope you guys are able to figure it out in the future.

~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


  • Guild Taxes – perhaps add a upgrade at economy V that allows mobs to drop an extra 5% currency that automatically deposits in the Treasure Trove ( Must have Eco V and Treasure Trove to research)
  • Officer Chat – Add a /officer Chat that can be managed through the Rank Permissions Tab.
  • Guild Popularity – maybe add a Thing to Politics V that you can upgrade to reduce all Repairs by 5% for being Politically popular?
  • Guild Armorsmith and Weaponsmith – Each should lower the rate of decay on each specific catagory by 5%. So if you upgraded to the Guild Armorsmith Contract – he would also make your armor 5% more Durable.
    ~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: montie.2415


I play on Anvil Rock too!!! But I’m not in a guild. Sorry I have nothing to add to this post but I thought it was cool we played on the same server

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


I had a few more ideas to add – these are more of an aesthetic deal.

  • How about instead of guild armor and weapons completely replacing the Skin of your current armor or weapon, you Make areas on all your current weapon and Armor Designs where the Emblem can be stamped. This would allow for a greater Variety of Guild Armor and Weapons. I could have a Steamblade with the Emblem on it and my friend could have a Krytan blade with emblem on it. It would be a challenge, however I feel it would be a great addition to the game.
  • Perhaps instead of a Guild Cloak for the backslot you could make guild Tabards. This would fix your problem with cloaks not acting correctly with dodge and offer us something we could wear with our own choice of armor skins. That way a heavy armor user isn’t stuck with Scale looking armor with guild emblem and can instead place a tabard over some Plate looking armor.
    On a seperate note I had another concern.
  • Representing – I wish I could see if those who are not representing in my guild, if they are repping a different guild instead. This would clear a lot of headaches for me. If they are repping another guild it would make it easier for me to consider who to cut once we reach the 500 cap to make room for people that want to be in guild Representing it. It would also allow me to see who isn’t repping because they don’t know better, I can send them personal tells explaining how to fix it.

Just a few more thoughts from me,
~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

(If people have other ideas for Guilds please list them below and keep this thread going.)

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I agree with all these ideas. I have a small guild on Tarnished Coast, but we’ve already encountered many of the issues you’ve described. Thanks.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Come on folks none of you other guild leaders have ideas like the above posted? Let’s keep this thread going. If you agree with the above and don’t have additional Suggestions At least sound off letting Anet know you think these are worth looking at.
~Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Some other thoughts,

  • A way for me as the guild leader to see who is contributing Influence and How much, would offer me another way to pick people to Promote.
  • A way to see when someone last logged in, with a Cap of 500 members I am beginning to feel the pressure of who to cut to make room for people that want to be here, logged on and contributing.
  • If you ever add Mounts in the game, I would love to see Guild Mounts.

~Gearspark Furbane

For influence click on Roster then go to the far right and click on the gear. Enable achievement points and that will give you an good idea what your members donate as 1 achievement point = 1 influence.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


A chat channel for each guild. I belong to 4 guilds. I want to to be able to monitor/participate in chat with all 4 guilds simultaneously. And don’t say ‘why don’t you just switch’, that doesn’t solve anything; if someone wants help in guild A and I am chatting with guild B, I will never know about the request.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Riles.4568


This idea occurred to me earlier today. Why not have a tab in the guild screen in game that shows what guilds are recruiting on your server and have some basic information about each guild such as the guild name, number of members (that have logged on in the last say 30 days), average level, and a short description of why you should join. And for guild masters, they could have an option in the menu that they can turn on/off to list that info in the guild recruitment list.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Some other thoughts,

  • A way for me as the guild leader to see who is contributing Influence and How much, would offer me another way to pick people to Promote.
  • A way to see when someone last logged in, with a Cap of 500 members I am beginning to feel the pressure of who to cut to make room for people that want to be here, logged on and contributing.
  • If you ever add Mounts in the game, I would love to see Guild Mounts.

~Gearspark Furbane

For influence click on Roster then go to the far right and click on the gear. Enable achievement points and that will give you an good idea what your members donate as 1 achievement point = 1 influence.

This is incorrect, Achievement points represent what your profile has achieved from all aspects of the game, if you don’t believe me on this Press H, go to the achievement tab / community and compare your influence gain to the score you are looking at in the guild tab screen.
~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


A chat channel for each guild. I belong to 4 guilds. I want to to be able to monitor/participate in chat with all 4 guilds simultaneously. And don’t say ‘why don’t you just switch’, that doesn’t solve anything; if someone wants help in guild A and I am chatting with guild B, I will never know about the request.

See from my perspective as a guild leader I find the multiple Guild’s option to be distracting, If I have member’s who are not representing I can’t be sure whether it is because they are representing a different guild or they are on an Alt and haven’t represented yet.

With a member cap of 500 this becomes an issue once you are at the limit. Why waste Guild buffs and chat on someone who would rather rep another guild, when another person who would like to benefit from those buffs could be here. It makes it hard for me, I have to make the tough decisions on who to cut to make room for someone who Want’s to be here chatting and representing.

I still say we should either raise the Cap on member’s, or even better, remove the cap completely. Would make my caring about other representing or not, frivolous.
~ Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


I had another Idea today,

  • Represent Check Button – I could click this button and it would send each guild member who isn’t representing a message letting them know they are not representing and two buttons to click [Represent Now] and [Not at this Time] button. As the leader I could see the results of this and be able to talk with the people who don’t want to represent to find out why.
    Too make it a fair deal, you can only click the button once every two hours so someone who was a bad leader couldn’t spam the button repeatedly.

~Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I would love to see:

•A way for me as the guild leader to see who is contributing Influence and How much, would offer me another way to pick people to Promote.
•A way to see when someone last logged in, with a Cap of 500 members I am beginning to feel the pressure of who to cut to make room for people that want to be here, logged on and contributing.

You can currently see who is not representing: those not representing has a “-” over their green box.

My issue (as a guild leader but also member of another guild) with not being able to see contribution is that you don’t know who to promote or kick.

I would rather keep someone who represents 2 guilds, but gives 100 influence per day, than someone who is not active and only gives 50 per day. (Unless they have good friends in the guild, of course.)

Currently there’s no way to see 1. how much each person is contributing. 2. when they last logged on.

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-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alexander.4827


Hello Anet,
I am currently leading a…..

My biggest concern right now is the Guild Bank.

Fellow guild leader here and I cannot agree with you more. This is such a frustrating problem that I have no good way to solve at the moment. Glad to here others are on the same wavelength.

As for my own suggestions:

Description Page

How we are to explain what the guild is about and it’s history? The daily message is pathetically small and there is a complete lack of description. I am currently working on a website but I shouldn’t be expected to have to fund my own website just to get my guild members an idea of what we are about and our lore.

Emblem Aura

No one wants to wear lame looking armor or mediocre looking weapons. It’s unrealistic to expect to brand every single piece of art you’ve made so far without thinking about it before hand. How about Emblem Auras?

These glowing emblems could be a subtle particle effect that hovered in various locations depending on which each player chooses such as in front of the chest, by weapons, on the shield (aegis) or even on the back. Obviously a more pricey upgrade.

Finisher Banners

I don’t even think this should of had to be researched on it’s own. I expected when we got our emblem that our finisher flag in PvP would display our banner. This is a must.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


I am glad to see other people are interested in making Guilds better. I had an idea on a different subject today.

A guild member asked if the season changed in an area because he could have sworn it was snowing previously.

  • Seasonal Terrain Change in GW2 – Could you imagine a game that changed the weather and terrain seasonally? it would be EPIC. Fall is coming and I would love to see all the trees bare of leaves, foaliage on the ground. Winter would be amazing, Snow in queensdale, Blizzards in Norn area…
    I understand this would be hard to do, but doesn’t Anet love challenges? making the bestkittengame in the universe better?
    Just another thought to add.. Keep sounding off people!
    ~Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: teviko.6049


I love many of your ideas Kiedae. As a GL myself, having a guild and having members who will not represent puts a huge pressure on me as a GL. I either have to remove them and make room for those who will be a part of my guild, representing it and earning my guild influence, or leave them to hog up a spot I could give to someone else. It reflects poorly upon you, as a GL, if people look at the history and see you’ve been kicking people right and left, but it looks bad upon you as well to have 500 members in roster, but a fraction of that logs in. It’s almost lose/lose at that point.

As for GUild bank, I agree whole heartedly that some controls need to be implemented and quickly. You either trust your members you promote implicitly, or get you screwed. And even some people you trust can turn around and wreck all you have worked to build for your guild.

Officer chat needs to be a feature. Officers sometimes need to dicuss things that members don’t really need to be privvy about.

Last time play/How long represented: Important stuff to know for guild management, especially concerning advancement and removals.

I like someone’s idea about a ‘played downed’ banner when you ‘F’ someone in PvP. I would say, you have to have AoW3 and Guild emblem to perform this, but it would be cool!

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


I love many of your ideas Kiedae. As a GL myself, having a guild and having members who will not represent puts a huge pressure on me as a GL. I either have to remove them and make room for those who will be a part of my guild, representing it and earning my guild influence, or leave them to hog up a spot I could give to someone else. It reflects poorly upon you, as a GL, if people look at the history and see you’ve been kicking people right and left, but it looks bad upon you as well to have 500 members in roster, but a fraction of that logs in. It’s almost lose/lose at that point.

As for GUild bank, I agree whole heartedly that some controls need to be implemented and quickly. You either trust your members you promote implicitly, or get you screwed. And even some people you trust can turn around and wreck all you have worked to build for your guild.

Officer chat needs to be a feature. Officers sometimes need to dicuss things that members don’t really need to be privvy about.

Last time play/How long represented: Important stuff to know for guild management, especially concerning advancement and removals.

I like someone’s idea about a ‘played downed’ banner when you ‘F’ someone in PvP. I would say, you have to have AoW3 and Guild emblem to perform this, but it would be cool!

I appreciate everyone supporting this subject.

  • Guild Emblem PvP Down Flags – I agree with the Guild Emblem on PvP banners. I could see this being part of Art of War as an Upgrade – maybe even make it only last 12 hours at a time like most PvP buffs.
    even allow it to be purchased from the cash shop or found in PvP and Black Lion chests.
    ~Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slaven.3721


I think 1000 members should be bought with influence. 100,000 influence for 500 extra players sounds fair.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


We really need a last log-in column on the guild roster.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: jovian.2805


I love the idea of taxes. instead of waiting for a generous soul to deposit some money in my (small) guild’s bank, it’d be really rewarding to see money build up over time through our hard work.

teachers live in schools, garbage men live in garbage, and firemen live in fire.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caela Fizzletoes.2947

Caela Fizzletoes.2947

I was really spoiled by the guild functions in EQ2. Many members of the guild I’m a member of came from EQ2, and we are really missing the following features:

Notification when a guild member logs in or completes some sort of achievement (leveling, receiving a title, other achievement, etc) – this could be an option that is controlled by both the leader and the member – in EQ2, each notification can be shown or suppressed on the guild level, and each member can opt out on a personal level. This would go a long way in promoting community.

Listing of members by character, not account. I was wanting to send someone a piece of gear, but I wanted to check to make sure they were the right level – but the last toon they had played was a baby alt – I couldn’t find their main toon anywhere, even on my contacts list.

The Fizzletoes hit Tyria!
Caela’s Corner

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Make waypoints next to banks free for guilds, to prevent this from being a travel exploit make it the nearest one to you current location.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strejda Tom.6108

Strejda Tom.6108

+100 points for last login. We really need this to keep only active members in our guild..

Strejda Tom, the last unicorn.
Always remember one thing – your opinion is your opinion not fact.

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Listing of members by character, not account. I was wanting to send someone a piece of gear, but I wanted to check to make sure they were the right level – but the last toon they had played was a baby alt – I couldn’t find their main toon anywhere, even on my contacts list.

  • What if to solve this, instead of including every alt on the list, when you hover over the account name it lists all Alts names/lvl in a little info Dropbox? I think this would look and work perfectly for what you want without adding more names to the member roster to confuse you.

~Gearspark Furbane / Zip File

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


Make waypoints next to banks free for guilds, to prevent this from being a travel exploit make it the nearest one to you current location.

This honestly seems like a silly idea, I don’t see a need for this ever. You can currently already train a consumable [Vault Transport] that brings Guild bank access to your location.
~Gearspark Furbane / Zip File

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]

(edited by Kiedae.7035)

-=[ Guild Suggestions ]=-

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiedae.7035


  • Events Calendar – Would love to have a place to place events in the Guild panel for all to see with ease without the need of a Thirdparty Website. We DO have a website but would love to have the ability to put it in-game as well. You could even limit to a Daily thing if you didn’t want to add a monthly calendar. just something with Time slots in relevance to server time and a simple text field to place it in. Now yes Guild MotD COULD function for this, however I would prefer something seperate, reason being is that TS3 server info and Website perma-find a home in the MotD, Also the MotD doesn’t show in chat so… not many people check it.

Just another thought from me, ( bet your sick of them by now lol)
~Zip File / Gearspark Furbane

Lament of Sorrow [LoS] – Anvil Rock – Zip File / Gearspark Furbane
[ www.lamentofsorrow.com ]