(edited by Cosplays.2937)
Guild Wars 2 Should Have Guild Wars
Thanks for giving me credit but you got to go in depth like mine. Even tho it is my idea.
Your right! but there’s not much to say really, im pretty sure that the arenanet team is creative enough to do that themeselves
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
In the original the Guild Battles would happen between Guild Halls, which were located in island chains in the Battle Isles. Well in GW2 the Guild Halls aren’t around because the Guild Wars that the game is named after lead to law making it illegal for guilds to own land on mainland Tyria, and because of the DSD the Battle Isles aren’t available to us anymore (assuming they survived Zhaitan’s Tsunami). My thought it that, with the Mists being very PvP oriented, that it might become possible for Tyrians to capture locations in the mists to use as their Guild Halls, and that we will eventually be able to upgrade them and use them for Guild Battles. I do hope that they bring this feature back soon, it would be fun to have another use for guilds beyond WvW keep/tower captures.
Hmm… interesting. Well the could expand heart of the mists and add guild houses for players to just enjoy themselves with guild mates(Just and idea). Im just saying that i expected there to be guild battles when i bought this game as there are in some other games but i guess i forgot about it since the content just amazed me. It would really occupy people times with guild vs guild battles and hopefully bring in some more customers.
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
Same here, initially I thought to myself when I first joined GW2 that it was basically Guilds Vs Guilds which would heavily rely on co op and team oriented battles.
I’m not going to go into why Guild Wars is called Guild Wars (twitch), but more game modes can’t be a bad thing.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Same here, initially I thought to myself when I first joined GW2 that it was basically Guilds Vs Guilds which would heavily rely on co op and team oriented battles.
Yes Yes Yes! It would also help with interaction problem with a lot of guilds. The guild im in, no one talks unless you ask a question, but if we were to do guild vs guild (GvG) then interaction would be a necessity.
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
I’m not going to go into why Guild Wars is called Guild Wars (twitch), but more game modes can’t be a bad thing.
you said it
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
agreed! guild stats etc!
Same here, initially I thought to myself when I first joined GW2 that it was basically Guilds Vs Guilds which would heavily rely on co op and team oriented battles.
That was GW1, in this game, they’ve mangled the concepts to sell garbage out of the cash shop to Angry Birds-type gamers. No combat depth…grouping is redundant..pidgeonholed skill system that is probably the worst designed snorefest of a system ive ever seen in an MMO..i dont even care to go on.
Same here, initially I thought to myself when I first joined GW2 that it was basically Guilds Vs Guilds which would heavily rely on co op and team oriented battles.
That was GW1, in this game, they’ve mangled the concepts to sell garbage out of the cash shop to Angry Birds-type gamers. No combat depth…grouping is redundant..pidgeonholed skill system that is probably the worst designed snorefest of a system ive ever seen in an MMO..i dont even care to go on.
I wouldn’t go as far to say the game is that because this isnt a trashing the game forum but the pvp is relatively boring to other MMO’s and it seriously needs to be fixed, but please lets not make this post to negative
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
ehh another pvp options… to make gvg realy like gvg they need add big area for many ppl i think 100 vs 100 max. When they add custom arena option there will be no problems to make Guild Wars in game.
What about people who do not want Guild Wars 1 in their game?
If I wanted GW1 I would have downloaded it… after all that game is free…
But I don’t, and I don’t want to waste the space required to have GW1.
What about people who do not want Guild Wars 1 in their game?
If I wanted GW1 I would have downloaded it… after all that game is free…
But I don’t, and I don’t want to waste the space required to have GW1.
Well i’m pretty sure there are more people who want guild vs guild in guild wars 2 and there are plenty of games that have stuff you don;t want in it so do what you did back then, Don’t use it.
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
ehh another pvp options… to make gvg realy like gvg they need add big area for many ppl i think 100 vs 100 max. When they add custom arena option there will be no problems to make Guild Wars in game.
You my man are thinking outside the box! See if people would think more like you then we will get this feature in no time.
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
i just thought of something fun. You can request to fight you guild leader to become guild leader XD. probably never gonna happen lol
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
Anet should add/implement guild ranking system/stats
But your right cosplay as of now a being in a guild is just a tool for grouping i.e “dungeon runs” or for what ever reason.
Guild: None Mercenary
SoR since day 1
Anet should add/implement guild ranking system/stats
But your right cosplay as of now a being in a guild is just a tool for grouping i.e “dungeon runs” or for what ever reason.
Thanks for your support but it would make it feel all the better if some from the actual team said something about this so we could know we are making some progress
I might add a few screens of how a guild hall should look like. (It can look like a lot of things but some things are just unacceptable ).
P.S this is on topic because the whole idea is about improving the guild system XD
ehh another pvp options… to make gvg realy like gvg they need add big area for many ppl i think 100 vs 100 max. When they add custom arena option there will be no problems to make Guild Wars in game.
The only problem with that is culling. If they did GvG of that size the forum would have even more complaints of culling problems then it does now lol.
Smaller guilds would also feel excluded.
I do agree that GvG would be a cool addition though.
On a sidenote, the name Guild Wars never had anything to do with guild vs guild pvp
ehh another pvp options… to make gvg realy like gvg they need add big area for many ppl i think 100 vs 100 max. When they add custom arena option there will be no problems to make Guild Wars in game.
The only problem with that is culling. If they did GvG of that size the forum would have even more complaints of culling problems then it does now lol.
Smaller guilds would also feel excluded.
I do agree that GvG would be a cool addition though.
On a sidenote, the name Guild Wars never had anything to do with guild vs guild pvp
I agree with the first part of course. maybe there could be an option to chose the side of the battle. Like maybe each team should have one leader and both the leaders decide on all the options to the room such as how many people will be fighting per round/match or whatever.
well I would imagine that in a update like guild wars 2 factions lol. they will add guild halls like they did in guild wars 1 because guild halls weren’t around until factions came out. but you could be in a guild in the original guild wars. i wouldn’t mind having a guild vs guild but have it scale like in world vs world. i did do a guild vs guild in guild wars and it was not all the fun. but now imagine a full blown war between all guilds. just an idea.
Quickly stopping by to say the name ‘Guild Wars’ isn’t about the lore event, ‘The Guild Wars’, but because of the PvP
so yeah it should be added
What about people who do not want Guild Wars 1 in their game?
If I wanted GW1 I would have downloaded it… after all that game is free…
But I don’t, and I don’t want to waste the space required to have GW1.
Uh, GW1 isn’t free. You got to buy the box.
And if you don’t want to do GvG, don’t. But at the same time, you shouldn’t deny people who want it.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
What about people who do not want Guild Wars 1 in their game?
If I wanted GW1 I would have downloaded it… after all that game is free…
But I don’t, and I don’t want to waste the space required to have GW1.
Ridiculous arguement. Seriously. Cos you dont want somethign you think the game shouldnt have it? Newsflash for ya. World dont revolve around you. Sleep well.
Guild vs Guild PvP would be great.
Instead of it being an actual war, it could be a tournament like sPvP but with larger player base. 15-20 per map etc.
Personally I’m seeing a guild keep being invaded by another guild. Guilds are grouped up in this match based on the ranking of their guild and the number of individuals being involved in the match (that way people don’t feel left out if they have a small guild). And the invading guild has the ability to bring in trebuchets and such to break down defenses while the defending team can create similar type items to keep their enemies at bay. I think it could be fun, but honestly I absolutely love war strategy games and for that to even be included in a MMORPG (WvW) made me the happiest person on earth Bug if it was expanded even more… I would do it all day!!!
Love the ideas flowing here, i like the inputted opinions here The other day i was in what i think is called a norn tavern and that place was huge. In my opinion that’s what a guild house should look like
If the GvG system is coming out soon then i will recommend this game to more of my friends.
I don’t know how you guys are still posting on my bro suggestion when this suggestion is mine. Go to my page i explain a little of how it should be. This is my idea so go to my suggestion page please.
I don’t know how you guys are still posting on my bro suggestion when this suggestion is mine. Go to my page i explain a little of how it should be. This is my idea so go to my suggestion page please.
It wasnt really all your idea because when i found this game out and told you about it, i specifically remembered telling you that this was gonna be the perfect game for GvG but you just reminded me. So be grateful that i even bought you the game.
(edited by Cosplays.2937)
I don’t know how you guys are still posting on my bro suggestion when this suggestion is mine. Go to my page i explain a little of how it should be. This is my idea so go to my suggestion page please.
It wasnt really all your idea because when i found this game out and told you about it, i specifically remembered telling you that this was gonna be the perfect game for GvG but you just reminded me. So be grateful the i gave you all the credit and be grateful that i even bought you the game. Now stay quite before i decide not to give you credit at all.
Actually you never said this game was perfect for gvg i admit you bought me the game but at first you wasn’t even interested in paying the game you didn’t even like it. I convinced you to give it a try i showed you videos of game play then you liked it so this is my idea and that’s that
Hmm… In there should be like a guild log in a guild hall that tells people guild quests they can do.
Quickly stopping by to say the name ‘Guild Wars’ isn’t about the lore event, ‘The Guild Wars’, but because of the PvP
so yeah it should be added
Well if we arent going to have guild wars then shouldnt that game be called player wars… or wars lol
A guild vs guild system seems alright from a game called rumble fighter. The games not really that good but the guild vs guild system in that game just keeps bringing me back