Guild Wars 2 and no guild halls

Guild Wars 2 and no guild halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knight.1084


The name of Guild Wars 2 itself, what does it mean?.



Guilds having wars?.

There are not even guild halls in the game, guild halls really does need to be added.
It will bring the social aspect and so much more adventure to GW2.

Guild Wars 2 and no guild halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: wouw.5837


yeah GuildHalls were pretty fun in GW

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Guild Wars 2 and no guild halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: zipnotik.2987


i believe theyve said that theyll add guild halls…

also the name has nothing to do with guilds being in war with each other NOW….
thats history… literally

“Because so much power was in the hands of guilds the kings of Ascalon, Kryta, and Orr were unable to prevent conflict and the first Guild War began, raging for decades. In time, Ascalon and Kryta were embroiled into the war; only Orr remained outside the Guild War, preferring to remain neutral and peaceful. In whole, there were three Guild Wars. When the first two began and ended are unknown.”