Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SNAFU.2073


a boss that’s of epic proportion like the size of a small map, combined with jumping puzzles while the boss is mobile, and different strategies of bringing them down, making them vulnerable, or attacking certain points. It could basically expand into being a separate game mode like fractals missions. or guild missions. (minus the requirements of influence). Just thought it’d be a perfect addition with how the mechanics are in this game.

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stoneflesh.8634


Would be a cool idea for fractals

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gytis.1637


Now this would be epic NO ! Legendary !
When doing current colossus fractal, it’s amazing to see how he helps you by blowing out the flames from above.
Only the head is moving, but if you would be on a colossus while he’s for example running or climbing a mountain, maybe swimming and you’re on his back and other colossi are chasing him :o

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SNAFU.2073


ya, now just think if he’s the size of a small map, you navigating him and trying to figure out his weak spot. the possibilities are endless. Anet can always expand with different monsters and strategies, it would be…LEGENDwait for it….DARY!

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Shadow of the Colossus, anyone?

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

God of War meet Guild Wars, Guild Wars meet God of War. All the same, it would definitely be a cool addition. I could see it working in Fractals and as a World Boss.

The dragon fights, in my opinion, are boring. When I heard there would be dragon boss fights, I envisioned epic battles ranging across the countryside in a running fire-fight. Instead, what we got is stand there and spam skills at a big bunch of pixels that also just stands there and spams skills back at us. Yawn.

A World Boss that IS the map while players are running all along it as it moves, twists, and turns while trying to kill it would be very cool.

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SNAFU.2073


Yeah having done most of the world bosses, the dragon fights are where he stands there and waits to give you a rare piece of gear, a dragon that isn’t able to roam, tail whip, stomp the hell out of you, how did they ever threaten tyria in the first place :P

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gytis.1637


…how did they ever threaten tyria in the first place :P

On a side note : these dragons that you fight are like servants to put simply, they’re not the elder dragons.

@Kraag : I’ve fought 3 world bosses : Claw of Jormag, Tequatl and the Golem-machine-gun boss.
While Teq was boring and not challenging at all, i’ve found Claw more action oriented and let’s say mid challenge and Golem as good action and bad challenge, so i guess the fights are more like a personal-view thing.

Anyway OP get’s +1 for this awesome suggestion

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

I can see it now, the JP that actually targets and attacks you. running along paths and cliffs along its body and having to hide in certain spots to avoid being slaps/shot/ or thrown off.

example= running along its leg of some giant earth elemental/ or golem he trips causing the whole 1 side of puzzle to complete change its angle so you are now falling straight down the path you where running and fall damage is your greatest fear and the only way to avoid/survive this is by running into a groove or hid behind a rock that lets you use it as a plateform as and after he falls

Other times being forced to hide in some L shaped grooves to avoid being flattened or sweeped off by a hand. The mobs could just be small living fragments of the boss too.

It would also be interesting if the challange was to get up to his head knock him out just to have us go into his mouth and attack him inside for the 2nd half of the JP as we climb down his throat and go for his heart.


(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)

Guild Wars Colossus - Boss Idea/ Dungeon/ JP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SNAFU.2073


That would be great, strategies where you have to have ppl on the ground operating large devices to damage and a party that has to coax the beast into its range or trap. Or a beast you have to mount and the fight is done in the air. Cool scenarios that make the player feel anxiety or a sort of adrenaline rush while fighting them.

Off the topic tho, while jormag is more action oriented, it is still alot of standing and spamming 1 for rockets to take down the wall. The fight is hardly about the dragon, once the wall is down, it’s still 50 players spamming at his foot. Golem fight as well, i can literally autotarget and afk the entire fight, without any worry of dying.