Guild Wars Music

Guild Wars Music

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I guess this has been posted before but I thought another pester ‘may’ help.

Will we ever be able to have the original Guild Wars 1 music in GW2 (inc. expansions)? Some of that music is very haunting ( and would work so well in some areas that it would be such a pity to not bring over some of Mr Soules classics. An old friend of mine actually played GW1 just because one of the trailers had The Elementalist theme and another had the Crystal Oasis, the music was enough for us to spend 30 pounds.

I could obviously play a playlist but maybe if one of your designers put the music in place for the correctly themed areas that would be better.

Kind regards.


Guild Wars Music

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Much of the Prophesies/EOTN sound track is actually in GW2 you just have to listen for it . Weather or not the Factions/Nightfall music will be added later is debatable but I liked quite a bit of it .

Guild Wars Music

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spinex.3695


Oh really? I will keep an ear out for that then!