Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkus.5384


A little bit of history. I played the original Guild Wars for over five years. I took all 10 classes through all four games. I played PvP for years. I loved the game. Being new to MMORPGs at the time my experience with HoH was minimal. After my run with GW I went to WoW, ended up GM of a fairly good guild, had a great team, and was always in the top 10 on our server. When Guild Wars 2 came out I told everyone we have to go play this game. Finally I would have a great team and we could compete in PvP and HoH.

Then I bought the game at launch only to be incredibly disappointed. My first question was, “Where are the guild wars?” Why is there nothing similar to HoH? No formal GvG? I know you can form teams from guilds, but that is not the same. GW 2 is a beautiful, well-made game but it disappoint in two major areas, so much so that I hardly play it. This is from someone who though this game was going to be one of the best ever. Here are my suggestions for improving this game. I believe these would bring many more players.

1. Implement 8v8 (or XvX, where X is at least eight) PvP and HoH. How do you have a game called Guild Wars and yet you have no guild wars? And no I don’t count WvWvW as GvG. I tried it and I don’t like it. It’s not nearly as much fun as 8v8 PvP or HoH. Please bring this back.

2. Character builds. Making builds in the original GW was so much more fun. I love being able to switch weapons and having different sets of skills, this is a great improvement. However, having your first five skills set in stone is just a terrible idea. A great deal of the fun of Guild Wars was making builds. I am an older person, not quite as quick with the fingers and I used to be. My advantage in Guild Wars was the ability to make interesting builds that were often very different from those used by others. In Guild Wars 2 that ability is gone. Guild Wars had so many skills from which to choose. You could go major offense, major defense, or anything in between. Now half your skills are set in stone. This is just another example of a company making a game less challenging. Being able to construct your entire build from a huge list of skills and then being able to swap out weapons would have been sick. Now you are just hitting a few of your skills. In Guild Wars you were constantly using the vast majority of them.

3. The other thing that was much more interesting in the original game was the storyline and being to level through main quests and missions. Leveling in Guild Wars 2 is so much more boring. It would have been great just to be able to level by following your storyline. Now it’s storyline quests followed by other methods of gaining experience. What if you don’t like those other methods? Being able to do your quests missions in groups of four or eight in Guild Wars was so much more fun. And if you didn’t have enough friends online creating builds for heroes was awesome. I like some of the new ways of gaining experience, but it would have been much better to level your character just by doing major storyline quests and missions.

I’m sure these points have been brought up before, but the game has not changed. Hopefully Anet sees some of these posts and brings back some of the great things from the original game. Otherwise, they ought to just change the name to World Wars. Thanks for listening.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I didn’t make it through your whole post not going to lie so forgive me if I am presumptive.

The game has only been out for 2 months, Arena Net has already talked about putting in Guild Halls and HoH.

I am assuming here there was a lot of new Ideas they wanted to try out first. I say as hard as it may be for some hang in there I am sure that Guild Halls and HoH’s will be in the game and with that we will have the GvG battles most people loved about Guild Wars 1

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patu.9827


Different, different kind of builds was The Salt of Guild Wars!

I spent hours and hours with different kinds of builds and skills just for fun!

Vaka Patu – Warrior – [TLA]

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Oh yeah you can have different builds in GW2 fyi there is no cookie cutter specs. Anyone that tells you that is simple off their rocker.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkus.5384


Oh yeah you can have different builds in GW2 fyi there is no cookie cutter specs. Anyone that tells you that is simple off their rocker.

You can have different builds in GW 2, but the number is nothing compared to the original. When your first five skills are fixed, you are extremely limited. Imagine all the fun you could have switching weapons while being able to develop tons of great builds for each weapon set.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


That is because in Guild wars 1 they had Dual Profession so you could be a dervish Monk or a Mes/ele or a War / Monk

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: GW Two Player.2705

GW Two Player.2705

I’m sure I speak for EVERYONE who played GW1, that GW2 is “pretty – but bleh”.

Multi-Profession based unlimited builds was THE concept that kept GW1 on top of the MMO charts for years.

Why break the BEST thing about Guild Wars? You seriously need to revamp the builds system devs – you know it.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I played GW1 and where the Multi profession tool was cool it pigeon holed players into a This specd for this outcome. With GW2 we have X specs to achieve any number of results. So I am sorry but the versatility of customization we have in GW2 is not a bad thing. it allows players to design their own builds that work for their play styles.

I have seen some crazy ele builds in PvE and PvP that I wouldn’t think would work in a million years and most Youtube videos use X build where there’s is D build and yet they do a spectacular job and playing it and are successful at what they do. This in my opinion is a huge leap to allowing players to play how they want instead of how others think they should play. Look at world of Warcraft they say we have 792 specs that a player can use, when in reality depending on what your doing your only going to use 1 spec.

So I agree I loved Guild Wars application to be two professions, although with that comes cookie cutter specs and customization being removed. I personally would rather see the customization.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


There are plenty of builds you can make with weapons, skills and traits. you guys are just too kin on GW1 type of builds. Besides, the combos are a great deal in here so that counts for builds too. So, the game game isn’t superficial, you are thinking of it like that.
I have used in GW1 only one build foe warrior because I liked only the axe skills. In here i always switch them off combat to experiment and see different combinations
Even if at the first look, the skills are not a great deal, if you will think more then 5 min, you will see the difference from axe – axe and axe -mace or mace – axe.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grizledorf.5290


have you tried the engineer class? I have like 25 or more skills to swap through constantly. you can build your engiee to go full offense or full defense or anything you can dream up. necro looks like you can get very creative with that class too although i’ve never tried necro.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkus.5384


I played GW1 and where the Multi profession tool was cool it pigeon holed players into a This specd for this outcome. With GW2 we have X specs to achieve any number of results. So I am sorry but the versatility of customization we have in GW2 is not a bad thing. it allows players to design their own builds that work for their play styles.

I have seen some crazy ele builds in PvE and PvP that I wouldn’t think would work in a million years and most Youtube videos use X build where there’s is D build and yet they do a spectacular job and playing it and are successful at what they do. This in my opinion is a huge leap to allowing players to play how they want instead of how others think they should play. Look at world of Warcraft they say we have 792 specs that a player can use, when in reality depending on what your doing your only going to use 1 spec.

So I agree I loved Guild Wars application to be two professions, although with that comes cookie cutter specs and customization being removed. I personally would rather see the customization.

In Guild Wars you only used cookie cutter specs if you weren’t any good. I don’t know how you can say the customization is better in Guild Wars 2. My build file in Guild Wars contained hundreds of entries, with probably at least 20 for each profession. Imagine how great it would be if you could pick from a multitude of skills for each slot AND be able to switch weapons. I thought that’s what Guild Wars 2 was going to be, but alas . . .

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


A little bit of history. I played the original Guild Wars for over five years.
Then I bought the game at launch only to be incredibly disappointed. My first question was, “Where are the guild wars?”

You should be ashamed of yourself!!!! Go sit in the corner with a bar of soap in your mouth right NOW!!!!!!!! Any GW1 player worth their salt knows the lore and how Guild Wars got its name . Good day sir …… *walks off *

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toast.6459


Meta shifts were what made GW1 (at least the pvp aspect, and to some extent, pve as well) interesting. All the whacky builds you would see running around in the first day after a meta shift was fun, up until GW2 became the focus and those just stopped happening, which is understandable. Now, were lucky if we even get a meta nudge, just because there is truthfully barley anything to work with. Sure, easy balance, but it takes away a lot of the fun/originality. I’d be willing to bet money sPvP would be a lot more active if people had more to experiment with.

Guild Wars and Builds: What Happened?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkus.5384


A little bit of history. I played the original Guild Wars for over five years.
Then I bought the game at launch only to be incredibly disappointed. My first question was, “Where are the guild wars?”

You should be ashamed of yourself!!!! Go sit in the corner with a bar of soap in your mouth right NOW!!!!!!!! Any GW1 player worth their salt knows the lore and how Guild Wars got its name . Good day sir …… *walks off *

I understand the lore. But the whole concept was to be able to fight in those wars. Where is that in Guild Wars 2. Nice comment in any case.