Guild Waypoint
It’s a nice idea but I think it might be a problem in WvW.
Lets say you’re attacking a castle or something, you all wipe but one person manages to get away. He places a WP and the whole zerg is back. Same could go for defending. The farthest outpost is under attack,no one but one person is there. WP and whole defensive zerg is there.
Might also end up being a way to cheat jumping puzzles.
I like the idea. I see this being an improved version of the roadside marker (essentially useless — there are other ways of boosting everyone’s speed).
Delta has already suggested several limits to prevent abuse: high influence cost, short duration. Let’s add to that: only works in PvE and converts an existing WP into a free one (can’t create the WP anywhere).
Guild Waypoint
cost 10,000 influence
lasts 6 hours
build time 1 week
only 1 can be built at a time & cannot speed up the upgrade.
Can only be placed in WvW towers under your server control and cannot be used if the tower is being attacked and only available to the guild that places it
i think that this should be the only way for them to be used if implimented
I just figured no PVP or WvW use at all.
Teapot makes a good point about the jumping puzzles..
Maybe if similar to what Illconceived suggested, but making the waypoints snap to the nearest point of interest?
This would allow for a semi-customizable waypoint and still be in well grounded positions. (As in, not way up high on the side off a cliff so your guild mates don’t troll you)