Guild allegiances

Guild allegiances

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


I feel smaller guilds who don’t spam and mass recruit at some point or another face extinction and do not get to experience the true satisfaction of the game. My guild in this case would fit that category. We don’t mass recruit and we are always short people to run or do things but we like our guild, “Panda Crew” and our emblems. We would like to keep them! Joining another guild means we stop building ours at the same time. We can jump between guilds but my guild and I would like to build our guild as well, specifically with the IP.

I would like a feature where a guild can pledge an allegiance with another guild, specifically larger guilds that have upgraded several tiers into politics or so and have unlocked this new “Allegiances” skill.

My guild and I would still run around with our “PC” tags and emblems but we also carry an additional tag of what ever guild we have pledged our services too.

Bonuses to the Larger guild:

A: They receive a percentage of our IP points as a bonus for providing us with services that our smaller guild cannot provide to our players, specifically, more players.
B: They also increase their player selection pool as we also technically become a part of them.
C: We represent them on the field of battle
D: Bringing our members, max (2), will award same amount of IP as normal guild members with an additional 5% bonus IP to the large guild from two of our members. (Literally a great way to spread Influence, Mother guild supporting two daughter guilds). At the same time it has cap to avoid from taking all daughter guild members only parties.
E: Guilds with maxed economy will receive an additional 2% gold when daughter guild members loot.

-These features will promote larger guilds to be interactive with their daughter guilds. Making sure that the daughter guilds are always near max members and always partaking in PVE and PVP. Not just a slap on 30 more members sort of ordeal. Not being interactive with the daughter guilds will result in lowered IP income and lower income to those who have maxed economy.

Bonuses to the Smaller guild:

A: We continue to receive IP towards our guild, although less but better then 0.
B: We have a larger player based community now
C: We can maintain our title and tag without having to join a whole new guild or hopping constantly.


Once this new skilled “allegiances” is unlocked for larger guilds, they can only get max(2) allegiances. This is to avoid one guild from massing allegiances for IP-taxations, abusing the 2% bonus gold, or using it as another means of increasing the guilds current max number of players it can have, cheaply.

The smaller guild pledging the allegiance must submit to the larger guild and can only have a max of (30) players when using the allegiance contract, in total 60 players from two smaller guilds, to avoid cheesing methods to increase max guild members, cause technically the smaller guild is part of the larger guild. Also this is to avoid the smaller guild from stripping members from the larger guild, since it can’t have more then (30) players. If the smaller guild wishes to become a full fledged guild, it will have to stop its allegiance with the larger guild first.

The smaller guild must also upgrade a skill in politics “Contracted Services.” Lower down in the politics tier but high enough that a guild must have developed somewhat to be considered a viable guild to become aligned with.

This will help smaller guilds start up if they choose too or have a place to stay if they prefer to be aligned with another guild permanently.

I’ve noticed many smaller guilds with fewer people, leave to other guilds, or just quit the game entirely. This feature would definitely help a lot of the smaller guilds who don’t promote actively and prefer to stay with their guild title/emblems and build up their guild but at the same time provide larger guilds an opportunity to enhance their own guilds by actually being interactive with smaller guilds.

The numbers are not exact yet but you get the general idea that there will need to be limitations and number limits to avoid exploits and abuse.

This will definitely be a great way to weave socialization into this game. The interactions between big and small guilds.

Make sure you +1 Like my idea if you like it of course.

Additional ideas, feedback and changes would definitely be appreciated. Maybe, if we get enough responses this may come into play one day, hopefully soon though, small guilds can’t hang on forever and something of this scale requires a lot of programming =d.

(edited by Belcross.6127)