Guild bank - add to the stack
That is a really good suggestion, we are stumbling across this problem very often. Even more annoying that sometimes the items you withdraw “vanish” from your inventory until you relog or some time has passed. You then end up with an empty but full inventory slot.
So I totally agree that the guild bank needs to be improved that way.
Septimum Confoederatio Draconis [Sept]
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest (SFR)
Human Mesmer
Honestly I don’t know how this hasn’t been dealt with already. I wonder if the Anet team is ran pretty thin between tasks. I hope not. I wouldn’t mind going back to new content only once a month or even better one major content release once a month with a minor one added to that 2 weeks after – if that would give them more resources to add more features and improve the ones they have.