I won’t say “needs” to be added; but allow me to give a brief introduction to set how I’m feeling right now; so maybe that if by some miracle someone from Arena Net actually reads this; they will understand better why these features should be added to a game.
I’m the guild leader of Genesis Gaming; a behemoth in f2p gaming, but let’s not brag. In an MMORPG guild content is everything to me. Whether it’s gearing out a whole guild or GvG and proving top of all the other guilds, or just a simple ‘GRIND TO GAIN GUILD LEVEL AND BE #1!!!’ honestly; it doesn’t matter. Something to strive for, something to log on for something my whole guild can get together and accomplish.
Right now Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have anything like that, it’s a beautiful world and an amazing game but my guild is… pointless? It’s a social feature that’s bigger than a party but serves no real function besides buffs etc.
To give this thread some structure so maybe my idea’s will be considered I’ll break down these in to different topics of what I feel could be done to maybe increase it’s chance of getting looked at, or a reply would be even better.
Guild vs. Guild
I said it; it seems to be something you guys arn’t 100% sure about because everyone who brang back rumours and lies from Gamescom and other similar events brought up Guild vs. Guild which is something you guys made sure to let us know what nothing but a rumour, but I can’t help but feel (if not just for the namesake of “Guild Wars” GvG is something we need. I realize you have World vs. World as your mass combat and that guilds can have 500 people in them so that it’s also just another massive form of PvP but as far as my guild goes; claiming a keep that no one knows is ours, or even dominating WvW for no real reward at the end of it is… disheartning. I realize a lot about your design and concept for Guild Wars 2 was to take ego, farming and other such ‘negative’ MMORPG traits away but I don’t believe GvG was a negative experience; not once. Desolation has this problem with right now there are too many small guilds and only 2-3 big ones; everyone want’s to be a leader. That’s great! because thanks to your great game; you can be in multiple guilds! So everyone can keep their small communities but they should also have a reason to join a bigger one. We do WvW raids every day but honestly it’s not scratching that “itch”
I don’t know if it’s something you’re planning or something you’re thinking about; but please consider GvG. I have a few idea’s on how you could implement it and they all seem like they could work and add the ‘spice’ guilds needs as right now; all forms of WvW are completely seperate from the ‘real’ Tyria and it’s kind of underwhelming; WvW get’s reset constantly and doesn’t have any sort of persistancy and sPvP (while very fun) is competitive arena based PvP which doesn’t really count as guilds. (I could talk more about how sPvP needs some love; but I’ll stay on topic)
Declare War GvG
Guild Wars 2 is about the world of Tyria uniting to fight the elder dragons, or at least that’s what the current campaign is about. Uniting Destiny’s Edge and the five races to fight something that couldn’t possibly fought alone… however along that path obviously races and even the legendary Destiny’s Edge have problems; so why can’t our own guilds? Declare war is a very common feature in PvE heavy or games with very separate PvP; but I’m sure this is something you’re completely aware of.
The idea is simple, you should be able to ‘declare war’ on a guild for let’s say for a set time, let’s say a week. During this time you can engage in combat in the open world whenever that guild is seen; you can’t stalk people because you can only know their ‘general’ location and the map is huge! It’s impossible to grief because people don’t need to “leave their guilds” if they’re in a GvG they don’t like, they simply either un-represent until they go away (thus adding some ‘difficulty’ to earning Influence Points) or ask their guild master to “Surrender” you could also make it fun by adding an optional ‘Declaration of war fee’ where it costs 1G to declare war as a base, so you can’t spam it but you can increase that amount as a ‘bet’ or stakes. It’s fun and gambling is always fun. To make it even more ‘restricted’ you could make it even more gold but the gold would be deducted from the Guild Warehouse and also added to the guild warehouse if you win.
Genesis Gaming Overlord