Guild notice, send to all including non-rep

Guild notice, send to all including non-rep

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agent Bon.6248

Agent Bon.6248

My guild would benefit from being able to sent a message, similar to normal chat messages, to all members of the guild, even if they are not representing. It should display the guild tag, presumably in its bracketed glory, to be clear that it is a guild notice, rather than the name of the sender. Maybe list in guild history who did it though.

I originally conceived of having a 5-minute cooldown on that so that you don’t overly annoy people with it. However, there should probably be 2 with a 5-minute cooldown so that you can, for example, ask for more people to go on a dungeon run, then notify when you are full.

I also thought maybe it should have a sound when you send it out, perhaps a gong or old-style school bell sound. I imagine if you do get 2 with separate cooldowns, only 1 would make the sound (not just to minimize annoyance of those who don’t care, but also because the follow-up should generally bear less weight than the initial notice).

A once-per-day (or every few days, something like that) all guild mail also wouldn’t hurt either.

This would be helpful for scrounging up trusted people who don’t rep all the time. It would simplify staffing dungeon parties and guild missions. It could also be used to give part-time repping members some idea of what goes on in a guild, and when.