Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood
Guild reworking, plea of a large guild leader
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood
LOVE these → “Separate the Admin lower ranks permissions” “Last Online Column” “Notification when members log on” “Show the Message of the Day at logon”
ingame calenders worked awesomely well in WOW for organizing guild events”
i run a very small guild, tiny tiny in comparisons to yours but we are starting to get large (at least for the numbers i am used to)…
i sometimes didn’t notice the new comer because i was in an istance or busy doing something else and i didn’t think of pressing G just because some of my officer could have guilded someone…
and that suck, as a leader i like to welcome new guildies, also if the log on message doesn’t pop, the guild chat may become just silent because no one knows istantly you are not alone there.
i now have the habit to press G as first thing as i log in so i can properly greet my guildmates… but it would be nice not to force to open every time that giant window (all windows in this game are giant imo).
i also dislike the multi guild representing system… what is the use of that?
if i chose a guild i stick with that unless it is unhealthy for my playstyle. i loved in gw1 the fact that when a toon get guilded all of your other alts were in the same guild too. it’s about loyality, but not very an issue.
in fact i don’t mind that much and i don’t care if my guild mates represent other guilds if sometimes they represent also mine.
here are some things i would like to see in the guild system:
- the MotD at logon would be very nice (and also useful)
- send mail to all guild members (it is a pain in the you know where now that we are few, i only can imagine with larger guilds)
- lower ranks allowed to invite without allowing them to promote themselves
- customizable guild emblems uploading a file or at least a lot of other options for guild emblem in game customization… i see a lot of twin emblems around the world…
- a guild hall would be awesome i miss so much my vabbian style one in gw1. oh i would like some new feature as well (not necessarily), for example a guild dungeon or guild meta events, a guild jumping puzzle even if i suck at jumping.
- alliances for easy party up and maybe sharing influence?
- better guild gear skins (a lot of the implemented one are simply ugly imo) or the chance to attach the guild emblem somewhere in the existing armor skins? with a flag like helms, back, and shoulders for hide/show purposes
- claiming posts in wvw shows only the emblem of a guild you have no way to know who’s holding what, and lot of guild share similar emblem to get things even more confusing (claiming should be also a status symbol, or simply advertising)
- in game voice chat maybe? like lotro or ddo? with a push to talk that works for mac users also, with no paying teamspeak (that is maybe more useful in a party than in guild, it could become messy^^)
Join the Rainbow Pride
I agree with the above points. We need a “Last Log In” column, so we can see when they last logged in. Please A-Net, if there’s one thing you’re going to implement for Guilds, make it that.
I know nothing about running a guild and little about being in one (considering I’ve yet to join a guild yet). However, most of the suggestions are sound and seem like vast improvements, so I’d support them.
I would like to dispute one point thats been made a few times in the thread though, and thats the whole notion of ditching the multi-guild system.
Despite the fact that I’m not in any guilds yet, I know that when I do eventually starting joining them, I want to primarily join RP guilds. The ones that seem most interesting to me at this point would be ones based around racial groups (Charr warbands, Asura krewes, ect) or guilds based around other organizations like the Durmand Priory / Vigil / Order of Whispers.
Considering the fact that I have 2 Charr, 2 Sylvari, 1 Asura ATM, and characters in all 3 of the story organizations, that means I need the multiguild system in place if I ever want to join any of those RP guilds, because there isn’t one I could join that would fit all my characters in it.
That same problem would also probably end the existance of any of those types of guilds in general, since I imagine there aren’t many people who play only 1 race, only 1 group, or whatever.
Now, if guilds were per-character and not account-wide, then that’d be a different story. But as it is, guilds shared across your entire account, ditching the multi-guild system would reduce options too much.
@Electro, are there a lot of guilds like this? This is the first I’ve heard of that. Since any race/order can assist in the missions of the others I didn’t think this was as much of a problem. When the game first launched we did Personal Story runs with people from all race/orders. Is there a game feature we’re missing out on? I’m interested, because no one has never said, “Sorry Meltdown, I’m looking for a good Asuran Krew.”
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood
@Electro, are there a lot of guilds like this? This is the first I’ve heard of that. Since any race/order can assist in the missions of the others I didn’t think this was as much of a problem. When the game first launched we did Personal Story runs with people from all race/orders. Is there a game feature we’re missing out on? I’m interested, because no one has never said, “Sorry Meltdown, I’m looking for a good Asuran Krew.”
There’s no game feature related to it, no. The game does its best not to restrict anything on race or organization. Its strictly a roleplaying thing.
I’ve definately seen a number of guilds like this, but then again I’m on Tarnished Coast, the unofficial roleplay server. So I don’t know how many similar guilds there are elsewhere.
Not to imply every guild on TC is a roleplay guild or anything, or even that all roleplay guilds are based on races / groups. But there are some, and removing multi-guilding would, from my perspective, effectly kill them. Unless they made guilds per-character, as mentioned.
(edited by Electro.4173)
What if they had certain servers that allowed multiguild and others that didn’t. Currently the way guilds work is that only people on the current server can get guild benefits and give influence. I don’t see why that would hurt anyone and may be a good compromise?
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood
Bumping so A-Net can take notice and implement a “Last Log In” feature for guilds, which is sorely needed for guild management. :P
Second the bump since it is a must for guilds to run smoothly.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
Bumping again, please A-Net implement a “Last Log In Date” feature.
I would really appreicate a Dev response or someone to direct me to a post where this has been addressed.
Co-Founder of Goonies [Goon] Fort Aspenwood
Yes, please A-Net implement a “Last Log In Date” feature. I really hope it’s in one of the upcoming future patches they’re talking about.
These are all good ideas. Devs, please make note of this and do it. It would help a lot.
yes we need last log in ..that is the most important
100% to most things suggested, especially “last logged in date” feature.
The whole guild system and a better way for multiple groups to work together is needed as the commander and squad system is not cutting it.
+1 can we jsut get all this done already PLEASE anet. seriously. my god.
maybe add something to show them guild message / notice everytime they log on
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast
So what The Goonies [Goon] have come with so far is an excel sheet on Google Drive where we can enter the following data:
Player Name | Character Name | Representing | Date | Time
This way, we’ll be able to see what members never represent our guild and remove them from the roster after a quick message. By having each officer enter data into the spreadsheet, we’ll be able to include a variety of dates and times so that we are able to capture a fair representation of member activity.
It’d still be a hell of a lot easier if we had a “last logged in” column, though. :P
Amate Et Protegite – Guardian
[Goon]ies – Fort Aspenwood
There is another problem with the rank system in GW2 the creator of the guild which is the leader can get kicked by another leader. This should not be able to happen, because the creator of the guild is the true leader. I do like the idea of having multiple trusted leaders with the same abilities as the guild creator up to a point. The creator should have the option just like in GW1 to assign a new leader with the same creator ability if they want to leave the guild and can only leave the guild by doing this. The way it is now if someone had a problem with the leader as a leader they could kick the true leader from their own guild.
My guild Order of the Ghost Dragons (mist) came from GW1 it is a long time guild aprox 4.5 years old I am the only leader it had, although I did with very trusted people give them leadership for a minute or so just in case I could not play I could repromote them and they could take over in my place.
The GW2 guild is also by the same name and tag of (mist) on the Ehmry Bay Server. We are a casual guild that does allow multi guild ability mainly because we are not a for purpose guild. People need change, and since not all can be great at everything it gives people the ability to go to other guilds to do what they like. The only thing I ask is they represent us part of the time so we know they are alive and kickin. I do not believe in a guild in GW2 that tells a player that they cannot represent other guilds or they will be kicked for it. In GW1 if you had a friend that was not happy fully with your guild but liked the people and had fun sometimes with the guild, but wanted something more. They had to completely leave their friends in the guild to go find that satisfaction in what they wanted. If they did that they could also take other guild members of yours if they wanted more than your guild could offer. There goes a few of your members that hurts a guild. In GW2 you can retain those members just like they never left. Now (mist) does not have 500 members heck we only have 90, but we try to gain members slowly not spam guild recruitment.
Influence is a difficult problem in guilds especially due to the trickle way it is given. By trickle way I mean that it is not much for what needs to be done to get it. To me this is a type of grind that guilds must endure to get anything done. Influence should be aquired not by 2 points for an event per player, but by how the player plays. For example if a player is solo or grouped then any event they do should earn them influence. Now if they are grouped they should earn the same as solo, but earn the guild more just like it is now.
{Players who do events should be rewarded influence equal to karma and to be honest it should be like a currency for guilds. Keep the guild influence like it is as a guild enhancement, but also let players earn influence in pool equal to the karma they get so they can decide what guild they want to help with influence they earn}.
This way a small guild can compete with a much larger guild, a friend can help another friend in their new guild to gain new upgrades. In GW1 the upgrades cost platinum to buy and was up to the guild leader to pay for them. In GW1 I asked for donations to upgrade (mist) it was not a requirement it was a request I wanted mist to be a guild built by the members not just myself. Influence is the same as how I did it but it kinda forces things to happen. In a small guild which needs influance constantly all that can be up is promotions for influence. Cannot really do banners, magic find, gathering, etc. promotions. The guild needs upgrades especially with guild missions. Guild missions are a great new thing, but they take alot of Infuance.
Anyway thanks for reading my suggestion on influence and guild leadership