Guild vs. Guild PVP

Guild vs. Guild PVP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

Hello i really like this game but i think u guys got it wrong with the name .. You guys should have called it 5v5 , hotjoin , 3servers beating each other or Lets kill jormag.

Where is the guild wars? where is the organized 8v8 where ur guild actually matter? not just a bunch of friends doing 5v5 (well thats my case lol).

Are we going to get something similar to gvg soon? becouse if conquest maps 5v5 its all that GW2 have to offer i rather play dota -.- ( it is really sad i know ) but i refuse to leave becouse i think this game has a lot to offer.

I have my own guild we play tournies all the time but most of the time some1 is left out becouse really 5v5? even AION had dredgion for 6 ppl wich was a “pvp with monsters in the middle” instance.

Im not going to whine about this class being op or underpowered becouse that comes with time i mean the nerf stuff. I just want a mode that a Guild can go vs a Guild.

Guild vs. Guild PVP

in Suggestions

Posted by: SameHH.1048


You are the first one I see complaining about 5v5.