Guild vs Guild map

Guild vs Guild map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Biohazard.7523


If you want you can make that.
So Guilds can pvp with each others, And put some kind of rewards for wining.

Guild vs Guild map

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


Or make it bigger and better with the following:

Make a open world map that link single maps to eachother with portals with other Guilds on them. One map consists of 3 guild. That is one alliance. So they can battle against eachother. On the map a Guild can own a small outpost. They can upgrade the outpost to small keeps until one big fortified castle!
Make people mine for stone/wood for building walls, iron for gates/canons etc.
maybe some special resources that is harder to find that your guild need to gather serveral maps further. (escort the gatherers) Build/Create guards, patrols, several strenghts.
So many idea’s and ways to make this kind of GvG interesting. Maybe a whole economic system can be created.
Maybe resources can be gathered in the pve world and put into the guild GvGbank.