

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpiritualMoon.2698


Hello everyone,
I´d like to suggest some things guild-leaders could need to make it way easier to manage a guild and create their community.
It may be in almost many people´s interest to have an inactivity-timer that shows us how longs this members has been offline, otherwise we keep getting new people, but we can´t kick out someone and the 10-mails we can send may not be enough for 100 people, and we´d have to rewrite every single message.
Like when having the cursor over the other player it shows “Last log in: 3 days”.
This way we can keep our active members (one month before being kicked with a mail) and keep the whole guild active.

There is another thing we may need: Alliances, Guild Halls and GuildVersusGuild. Some players may know those from the first game, and on my opinion it was a great idea to have both of them.
Guilds working together and competing with each other, organizing dungeon runs and trying to get a guild-team for GvG or maybe even AllianceVersusAlliance.
Those things may be important for communities to grow (Guild hall not that much, but it´d be nice) and having players being together.

Those are just my suggestions. If you agree or not, it´s your opinion, but this is more important than a throne for a guild leader or more guild missions (Latter ones existing already).