Disclaimer: I’m a guild leader, and this is written from the perspective of a Guild Leader. If you’re a guild leader aswell, I would highly appreciate any suggestions/comments you have, drop them in a reply!
Hello all,
Let me introduce myself first. I’m Remz, Guild leader of Delicious Cupcakes[CUP] on EU server Desolation.
We’re a small guild(60-80 members) and aren’t hardcore players. Most of us have jobs or school, and we try to play the game as much as possible.
As my time as a Guild leader, I’ve seen many issues. Tonight we faced so many issues, that I decided to devote a topic on it, and create a ticket with support.
Lets first begin with the issues of a guild.
As a small guild, we don’t generate much influence as income. Influence is as precious as gold to us, and we try to get as many as we can, because we got a lot to spend it on.
When influence dissapears we all cry, and our cupcakes become rotten. So far I’ve faced these problems with influence:
-Influence not registering after buying it
-WvW influence compared to PvE influence is a big gap(as a PvE guild, this makes us sad)
-Larger Guilds “steal” members because they unlock Guild Missions much faster
-Guild Missions are way too expensive
Alright, so our main goal currently is to get all the Guild Missions ASAP. We really enjoy doing them with the guild and are rewarding. These are things why you join a guild. But we’ve got the following issues with them:
-Some targets are too hard to find with a group of 15-20 ppl
-Guild Treks are not rewarding enough
-Activating Guild Missions often doesn’t work. Map switching helps
-Many Guild Missions bug out, NPC’s don’t activate, Guild Trek locations don’t show up
-Due to bugs, losing progress and fun
Overal my experience with Guilds is bad in this game, compared to other MMO’s. Managing isn’t easy at all. Over the past few months I’ve dealth with these issues:
-Recruiting is a pain, because of the many guilds and multi guilding system
-Guild Chat doesn’t work often, or is delayed with many minutes
-Guild Bank isn’t available about 25% of the time
-MOTD is way too short and the window doesn’t allow for moving.
-Ranks are too simple. Many other MMO’s have advanced ranking systems, this system feels really standard and plain. Managing is a hard job.
-There is no “last online” column. We now have to depend on the Unknown status of people
-Guilds don’t stand out. You cannot recognize other guilds easy.
-Mailing Guild Members is impossible. You get blocked after 2 mails(during kick rounds I want to mail people whom I kick. But I’m not spending a whole day waiting for the spam filter to go off)
-Kicking players/leaving players show up in logs as: …. has left the guild
Anyway, there are a lot of issues.
Lets go on to the suggestions I have. I’ve posted this in suggestions to share my thoughts, and not to submit bug reports(although they are a big part of it).
-Make the MOTD bigger(scrollable)
-Give us a Wall to write on. Info like Teamspeak servers, websites could go onto this.
-Better ranking systems with more permissions. I would like new members to take out stuff from the guild bank, but not all at once, only like a few items each time.
-Guild Emblem should be an image. I would like a Cupcake, sadly this is not possible with the current emblems.
-Mass Guild E-Mail. Give us better ways to communicate with guild members ingame.
-Last Online column. Easy to spot inactive members
-Nickname option. Let us nickname members, so we can recognize them easily when they are running an Alt.
-Popup box when kicking a Guild Member(because it’s next to Add Friend, you easily misclick and kick them)
-Make Guild Missions more rewarding towards the guild. Give us influence boosts on them(once a week).
-Permission to stand out as a guild leader. I would like to see something as a commander tag, but only for Guilds. So that when I’m leading my guild through a PvE/WvW event or Guild Missions, that me or my officers are highly visible other other members.
As it’s late, this is all I can come up with.
I’m sure other people have great suggestions aswell.
Please reply with your issues and suggestions! Lets stay on topic and discuss about guilds and their exisiting functionality. Please refer from placing replies like I want GvG or features that don’t help towards managing guilds or current functionalities.