Guilds ownging dungeons.

Guilds ownging dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mlehou.2154


Please implement a guild owning dungeons area on one of the maps.
Game is becoming too casual in my opinion.

Guilds ownging dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Is this a request for raids? I’m confused.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Guilds ownging dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Advert Paperer.7059

Advert Paperer.7059

Can you elaborate/explain your idea a bit? I can think of two possible meanings:

  • implement an open-world area with Dungeon-like difficulty (presumably with an event chain similar to Orrian temples), which is scaled/tuned so that a regular (casual) guild will likely fail to complete it. Only a dedicated and co-ordinated guild (e.g. 100 dudes on VOIP, arrayed into disciplined 5-man teams) will stand a chance of beating it.
  • implement a system of Dungeon ownership, whereby a guild would need to complete a series of challenges (and/or pay a fee) and would afterwards gain the exclusive right to visit that dungeon (on that server). If other players wished to run the dungeon then their own guild would need to displace the current owners (perhaps by completing the same challenges, or perhaps by wining some kind of PvP contest against the current owners).

I doubt that either of these ideas would be seriously considered by the developers. However, if I’ve missed your actual meaning then please spell it out in great detail.

Guilds ownging dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mdapol.8530


I agree. I think this has as much chance of being implemented as a suggestion to change GW2 to a single-player game.

If you think “gaming is becoming too casual”, then GW2 is not for you. Casual is the target audience.

Guilds ownging dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


No please god no. We had that in Factions and it was a terrible idea. Vaste huge swathes of the factions owners never got anywhere near Urzog and the like for months after launch, because they didnt join a specific guild and or it wasnt aligned with a specific guild or guild X took over instead.

It was frankly idiotic, and the very reason they put in tickets to get to the mapzone. Especially on a game that was billed to give you access to every bit of content regardless of class/guild/wealth.

So no sorry , its a terrible idea.