Hair accessory colors

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


Please let us dye these too in-game. It’s kind of silly to lock their colors down.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Hair accessories are a creation feature like norn tattoos, you are stuck with what you chose until they create the makeover pack, if they do that is.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

(edited by Turial.1293)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


Hair accessories are a creation feature like norn tattoos, you are stuck with what you chose until they create the makeover pack, if they do that is.

Please tell me why I can dye my entire set of armor in numerous colors in the middle of a fight, but can’t dye a simple headband ever?

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


Hair accessories are a creation feature like norn tattoos, you are stuck with what you chose until they create the makeover pack, if they do that is.

You can’t change your eyes, ears or personal story choices after character creation, that’s just the way it is. The hair accessory is not a piece of armor, it is part of you character.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


I agree that you should be able to dye the hair accessories. It shouldn’t be locked to character creation. Comparing it to eye colors and tattoos is a specious argument. Makeover packs are a poor solution. And, saying that’s “just the way it is” in a suggestion thread is silly in that 1) suggestions are meant to change “the way it is” and 2) unless you’re a developer, you have no authority to make that decision.

(edited by Enikuo.9205)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I agree that you should be able to dye the hair accessories. It shouldn’t be locked to character creation. Comparing it to eye colors and tattoos is a specious argument. Makeover packs are a poor solution. And, saying that’s “just the way it is” in a suggestion thread is silly in that 1) suggestions are meant to change “the way it is” and 2) unless you’re a developer, you have no authority to make that decision.

I am comparing them to eye colour and tattoos because that is what they are, just because it is called an accessory does not mean it is one that can be equipped or modified. It is a character creation graphic like a tattoo, a scar and a hairstyle, that is what it is and it is very unlikely they will be changing it without remaking the character or with a makeover pack provided they will exist in the future.
1) suggestion does not mean it will change
2) did i say i was? scans topic nope!

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


This is why we need more women in game development. Only men would think it sensible to make hair accessories immutable and makeup permanent, but let me change the dye on my armor at will. I understand the game mechanic perfectly well, but it doesn’t make sense whatsoever. Anet got rid of a lot of other gaming tropes that don’t make sense – here’s hoping they’ll adopt a more sensible policy about hair, makeup, and accessories.

I’d be happy to pay a modest fee for new makeup kits, new hair styles and colors, or new accessories, but they should be easy to swap between.

Hint to the game developers regarding the real world: It takes virtually no effort or expense to change hair accessories or hair style. It takes a modest expense but very little effort to change your makeup or hair color. Dying armor, or even normal clothing, is a difficult and expensive undertaking. That’s why your wife buys you three different colors of shirts instead of hand-dying them for you every morning.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: GOSU.9574


The OP is correct and has a very good point, the counters of basically “No you can’t, live with it.” don’t hold water.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hair accessories ad underwear should be dynamically dyable, with all available dye colors unlocked by the character.

One should not have to get a makeover pack to make the hair ornament match the rest of the gear, and much less be limited to just the ornament colors.

No exceptions!

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mala.3861


I really hope the ability to change the color of my hair ribbons is implemented soon. It is a shame that a character can find/acquire a spectrum of over 300+ dye colors and yet I must ALWAYS be stuck with the color which matched my first set of armor.

Yes, after the first couple of characters I learned to choose matte, grey or some other neutral color but must I forever look at those orange hair ribbons which were PERFECT at creation? Must I dress in Autumn, Canteloupe, Salmon and Peach for the rest of my days?

Stupid hair ribbons.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Yeah. I’m there too. My asura engineer has that cute dreadlocks hairstyle with the headband and the metal pin, but I’m limited to the starting colors, since none of the others would match the headband.

No exceptions!

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: ariel.9751


There is a note asking if you are SURE cause you won’t be able to change it. No one who has played other games before takes that seriously because every other popular game has some sort of feature change ability as you get into the game.

Till they decide to come out with it (and if they haven’t even thought of having it, I doubt their veracity…), make your hair accessories the same color as your hair and there isn’t that jarring dye problem when your armor color changes.

Dyeing armor is like a mini-game for me. I’m collecting and trading dye like a crazy person. There is a lot of gems to be made if they’d bring out a makeover feature.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

I know these things aren’t a priority but there are some things that are created in the beginning that don’t work as well later in a characters life, this is one of them. I don’t see the harm in making changes like these an option, especially in light of the ability to transform armor and weapons so perhaps it should work the same way but dye option is easier.

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Sparkie knows whats up. +1

Also would love to have this option as well as some make up options.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arxxis.3945


This would be a great enhancement request to be able to dye the hair accessory to a different color so that if you decide to change the armor dye/color then you can change the hair accessory to match.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elarii.2756


You have my vote too! Orange hair accessories on black hair are striking but they sure don’t go with most of the dyes.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


well, let’s put it this way. because i know that i will be unable to change my hair accessory’s color, my hair style selection has become SERIOUSLY limited. in short? i won’t pick a hairstyle, anymore, that has an accessory, because the dye i use on my character’s armor changes over time, but i cannot change this to match it.

hair accessory color = eyes/etc? pft. whatever. it’s a bloody ribbon. or headband. in the real world, we match these things to what we’re wearing. in the real world, we take one off and put another, of a different color, ON. now, if you want to argue that anet’s INTENT was to treat it this way, i may give you some leeway — after you show me where anet said, “this is our intent, and we’re not changing it.”

many folk are asking, please, let us change the dye colors on hair accessories and under clothing, which also shows up as bathing suits. i don’t see a problem with this, nor do i see the need for anyone to say, “it’s not gonna happen move on get over it.” it’s not your call to make.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Branwin.4609


You are born with a set eye color.
Tattoos are a thing of somewhat permanence.
It makes sense not to be able to change those to me, or at least, it is justifiable.

But hair accessories or accessories in general? Definitely should be able to change them up as you go along. Pink is so last season, anyway.

As a side note, since I knew you couldn’t change accessories before hand, I chose a style that was accessory free. That shouldn’t be the solution, though.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


hair accessory color = eyes/etc? pft. whatever. it’s a bloody ribbon. or headband. in the real world, we match these things to what we’re wearing. in the real world, we take one off and put another, of a different color,

now, if you want to argue that anet’s INTENT was to treat it this way, i may give you some leeway — after you show me where anet said, “this is our intent, and we’re not changing it.”

“it’s not gonna happen move on get over it.” it’s not your call to make.

I cannot understand how you folk do not get this? It is not an armor piece that you can change, it is a texture that you have coloured at character creation. End of! That IS what it IS, there is no argument over that. It is not Anets intent, it is how game design works, there is no leeway.

Like tattoos and their colours, like eye colour, like skin colour; you are stuck with what you have chosen unless they create a makeover pack. If you want it different you will either have to wait or recreate your character, failing that, wear a helmet so you can’t see it.

And again, (I don’t understand why you think it) I don’t work for Anet, never said I have.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amanyx.5923


I am not a coding expert so perhaps I don’t properly understand the limitations when it comes to enabling 1 piece of character creation, and a reasonable piece at that, to be changed for free.

However, I think people do actually understand the difference between hair and an armor piece.

That doesn’t mean we still can’t wish for a way to change something that isn’t permanent in real life (like the colour of a hair accessory).

None of my toons use hair with an accessory simply because I can’t change the colour to match whatever dye scheme I feel like using.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



I cannot understand how you folk do not get this? It is not an armor piece that you can change, it is a texture that you have coloured at character creation. End of! That IS what it IS, there is no argument over that. It is not Anets intent, it is how game design works, there is no leeway.

Like tattoos and their colours, like eye colour, like skin colour; you are stuck with what you have chosen unless they create a makeover pack. If you want it different you will either have to wait or recreate your character, failing that, wear a helmet so you can’t see it.

And again, (I don’t understand why you think it) I don’t work for Anet, never said I have.

You should not speak as if you were completely certain of something that you clearly are not.
Accessory slots are, in fact, colored textures like any other piece of equipment, as they are basically the same thing.
A helmet is just a part of the model that replaces hair, a boot is just a part of the model that replaces feet. They all work the same way.
You can see this during an instance of slow-loading, as the model is first loaded, then the texture is applied, then the texture is re-colored, and then shaders give the final touches.
Colorable parts in textures have an original base red color.
You’ll see them red, and then they’ll change colors.
This happens also with character eyes and any piece of equipment. The dyeable parts will look red when loading is slow.

I saw this happen countless times with my old laptop.

So it’s not something that is ‘made’ in character creation and then becomes immutable.
It’s a value stored in your character. And any value stored as data is subject to change.
All that’s needed is a way to change it.
As a matter of fact, the guys in GW2DB have found indications of items to alter the appearance chosen on character creation.

But having to use an item intended to alter eyes, hair color, height, etc should not be needed to change the color of your ornaments or underwear.
Hair ornament and underwear should have their own dynamic color pickers like equipment and town clothes, as they are not something that you pick and get stuck with it like eyes, hair or tattoo.
They are “equipment”, base equipment that appears when nothing is equipment, but equipment nonetheless, and should be dynamically dyable, o people is not forced to either pick a hair without ornament or spending consumables just to change the color of the ornament without wanting to change hair or anything else.
Why? Because accessories and underwear are something you can change easily and quickly so it matches with the rest of your clothing. It doesn’t make sense to be stuck with a color of a ribbon in your head, neither it does having the same cost to change the color of your ribbon as to change the color of your entire skin, or the shape of your face.

All that’s needed is the extra color slots for lower underwear, and, where applicable for upper underwear and accessory, if the model has them (some hairs have no accessories, and all males and asura females have only a single piece of underwear)
And back item too, now that we are at it. Backpacks and capes should be dynamically dyable too.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Passiflora.2047


I agree, it seems absurd that you can change the color of your entire armor set but cannot change the color of your hair accessory. There are a couple of hairstyles that I really like, but won’t use because I don’t want to get stuck with it being the same color for my character’s entire existance, unless I shell out for a character recustomization when it is introduced.

I do understand the concept that these accessories are coded as a part of character creation, and so may as well be, to the game, as unchangeable as eye color and height. However, this is just plain silly. IMHO, if they could not allow us to dye our hair accessories, they should not have included a bunch of hair styles with such obvious hair accessories! As it is now, there are some really cute hair styles that are completely “ruined” for me because they have a headband or a pretty bow.

At the very least, they should have included a wider range of colors you can choose to dye your hair accessory. There are a lot of hair colors that you can’t match very well. And that doesn’t work well for some of the larger accessories anyway, as hair accessories that are designed to blend in with one’s hair color (yes, these are quite common IRL) tend to be more unobtrusive and simple in general. Generally speaking, if I want a pretty bow for my hair, I don’t want it to blend in with the color of my hair and be unnoticeable.

Anyhow, I hope they change this! I would really love to change one of my human female’s hair to that cute wavy one with the bangs and the headband . . . if only the headband wouldn’t be stuck as either a color that didn’t match my gear or a color that kinda sorta but not really blended in with my hair.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Japoo.5213


Rejoice all,

The Black lion Make Up Kit is here, About an hour ago Anet accidently released the Makeup kit that was in development into the Gem Store, Although it was fixed and is no longer avaliable until Anet release it with their next Update coming soon.

Black lion Hair Kit 250Gems -Changes the colour of your hair, accessories, etc.

Black lion Total Makeover Kit 350Gems – Can Change hairstyle, colour, height, sex, nearly everything except for race and name.

I didn’t really look at it since i was in a rush to buy gems for it but when i looked again ,
It disappeared, confirmed by guildies it was actually there and that i wasn’t high or somthing, couldve had somthing else in the description i forgot, the prices are correct tho. Red post said it will come out soon in an update.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.7823


The hardest part (I would assume) of allowing dyable hair accessories would actually be updating the user interface, and hooking all the required actions paths to the back end model.

I say this since you can already dye the hair piece out of game, and some hair pieces even seem like they have multiple colors. Which means either…
A. It was planned to be part of the original game and they held it back for some reason.
B. They planned to include it. But didn’t get around to it before release/UI design, so it’s on the todo list with a priority under all the bugs.
C. Dyeing clothing wasn’t part of the original game at all, or it wasn’t put in till late and what they have was hurried in at the last moment meaning the backend is a complete mess and they would like to fix that up before they add more features to it. (This happens more then you will ever know)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


You should not speak as if you were completely certain of something that you clearly are not.

I dunno, I am pretty certain and I am certain you don’t have a clue, clearly. I know as much about your experience as you do about mine so stay on topic mate.

If the post above about the kits is correct then you should be able to change your accessory very soon and hopefully that will put an end to the crying, hopefully.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


Cash shop kits are a poor solution. I don’t mind buying stuff on the cash shop, but asking players to buy a kit to change a ribbon color is just going going to breed resentment.

Turial – You do not know Anet’s intent. You don’t speak for them. We all know that much about your background.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Enikuo.9205


It would be nice to get a response from someone at ArenaNet on this.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


You should not speak as if you were completely certain of something that you clearly are not.

I dunno, I am pretty certain and I am certain you don’t have a clue, clearly. I know as much about your experience as you do about mine so stay on topic mate.

If the post above about the kits is correct then you should be able to change your accessory very soon and hopefully that will put an end to the crying, hopefully.

It’s not about experience. It’ about facts.

You say that hair accessory textures are fixed, as if there was a set of textures, one red, one blue, etc, and when you ‘create’ your character it gets fixed permanently and can’t be changed.

Textures have a ‘base’ color which is red ever since Eye of the North, after they developed the new coloring system in Nightfall, and then they get colored over red.
It happens so fast that you will not see it, unless you have a very slow computer, which I had twice, with two old laptops.
That’s why I know that warriors had a base yellow color under their colorable area until Eye of the North, and after that they changed to a shared red, and that’s why I know that eyes, accessories and all equipment do the same in GW2, starting red and then colorizing.

Heard about some Sylvari are seeing their eyes red in decorated Lion’s Arch?
I suspect that’s because something is preventing the colorizing from happening, because they base color is red.

And I know the rough process (although not the very exact details), and in my old slow-loading laptop, I’ve seen it happening in slow-motion in both GW1 and GW2.
I’ve seen the model loading, then the textures, then the colors being applied, and then shaders altering the final appearance, in that order.

And you also seem to say that the player models are ‘created’ and fixed as if they were an fixed composite like a bitmap image, when they are a collection of values like a vectorial image. They are always made from ‘pieces’ stored as values, not designed and stored as a fixed model.
Doing that would be extremely unpractical.
You client gets the values for which pieces and colors the model has, and makes them on the spot. The simpler this info is, the less lag you’ll have when there’s more people on screen. Put on a helmet, the pieces in the head replace the hair with the helmet.
So the info of which color you picked is a value, it must be stored somewhere, and therefore susceptible of change.

I can’t be 100% sure of how everything works, of course. But I’m fairly sure that it is not how you seem to think.

In any case, Kits would be a solution to not being able to alter your appearance, but not a solution to color underwear and accessories.
Those should be dynamic and always available, so people can make quick changes like with armors, or people who often changes colors will be forced to pick hair styles with no accessories, and everyone in underwear will have the same colors, which is dull.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kate.1745


We need color dying for our hair accessories! Please and thank you!

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loic.4367


If you’re just bugged by hair accessories, they could just implement a barber function and you’d have that resolved as well as a bunch of other gripes appeased.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


With as customizable as our armor is color-wise, it basically makes it impossible to pick a hair style with an accessory that we won’t be able to color change. And sadly, pretty much all the best female hair especially comes with an accessory. Norn with the bandana comes to mind. Love it, but just can’t use it. I can plan on a color scheme all I want, but when we unexpectedly get an awesome color when we open a dye, it really puts a hamper on our original choice. I love the ability to color my armor however I want. I can make my person truly unique, but ANet made us vanity hounds because of it. We can’t help it.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


Since last week, the gem shop offers Makeover Kits (one for hair/horns only, and one for full character appearance and gender). I haven’t tried them, but I imagine that you can change hair accessory colour with the hair-only makeover kit.

Perhaps something for you?

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


No. Kits are not a solution to this.

It would be like having to buy a piece of armor every time you want to dye it.

The hair style and color are fine with kits, as any other physical trait, but the color of a piece of equipment, even if it’s just a visual part of the base model, should be dynamic.

This means that hair accessory, underwear and weapons should be dynamically dyeable with the unlocked dyes.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


I’m just saying that it is no longer impossible to recolour hair accessories, if I’m reading the kits correctly. I just wanted to point this out since most of this thread was posted BEFORE makover kits existed.

Whether or not it is desirable that you need to spend gems on it is another matter entirely, and I offer no opinion on that.

You do make a good point about underwear recoloring. This is not possible in character creation, so it will probably not be possible either by using a makeover kit.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adetsu.9843



Any news on this? Any way to change dye colour on hair accessories? or are we stuck with the crappy beginning colours?

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weebitt.3157


Yes, my Assura has a headband, and one of my humans has the ribbions, and I would dearly love to be able to make them match their outfits. I like changing up my colors by seasons and holidays, so I do a lot of dyeing and having the jarring, non-matching color value on my hair accessories is disconcerting.

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


I hate to necro, but I still know a lot of people interested in this >.>

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kooki.6074


I hate to necro, but I still know a lot of people interested in this >.>

I am one of those people! We have the hair kit now and that is great, we are not completely locked into one choice forever any more. It is, however, a very expensive solution if you want to change the colour regularly. Also, we are still limited to the 21 starter colours.

If we could at least have access (via the hair kit) to some of the 383 other colours/shades it might alleviate some of the frustration people have. If Abyss dye was an option for example, I’d buy a hair kit, pick that and be done with it.

I’d be more than happy to purchase an item that gave us more options or the permanent ability to continuously change the colours. As it stands, the hair kit just doesn’t seem worth it to me (for hair accessory colour).

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I bought the hair kit to change the color of the accessory and found out then it’s only the starter colors. So it STILL doesn’t match. Waste of gold.

You need to be able to use the colors that you have unlocked and it needs to either be very cheap or have multiple uses. Because truthfully, ANet messed up here. They should have known that the starter colors would clash with later colors and that people who can dye their armor at will, will also want to dye the hair accessories.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I’d love to be able to choose other hair ornaments as well, along with being able to dye them.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Hair accessory colors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adeodatus.7625


I agree that it should be dye able I would think it relatively easy to implement, but I am no programmer.