(edited by Hermes.7014)
Hair beneath hats and helmets
If gw2 is like gw1, I think it would be very hard. If I’m not mistaking, there is 1 “head slot”. Normally hair fills this slot, but when you wear a real hat, not just a mask, it replaces the hair to prevent clipping issues.
If it’s too hard for Areananet to make hair work with hats. Then they should design hats that have hair on them and make it dyeable.
If gw2 is like gw1, I think it would be very hard. If I’m not mistaking, there is 1 “head slot”. Normally hair fills this slot, but when you wear a real hat, not just a mask, it replaces the hair to prevent clipping issues.
GW2 is on a whole different graphic engine though. If that was the case I wouldn’t understand why they’d keep their grip on past graphical imperfections due to engine limitations such as these.
If it’s too hard for Areananet to make hair work with hats. Then they should design hats that have hair on them and make it dyeable.
This could be a work-around. Have hair directly included on the headgear model with two versions: one for short hair and another for long. Which could be either dyeable or take the original hair colour.
Yes, it would be possible. But it wouldn’t be cheap, nor easy. Please do consider all the various hairstyles in the game. Now picture them all in your head (or those you can remember). How many different shapes and sizes do you get? A human female with a mohawk surely would look different than a human female with shoulder-long hair, when wearing the same hat. There’s a hairstyle, also from the human female, that is much more wild and flowing (which a lot of people have chosen in fact), that is “filling” (both higher, long and broader(?)) a lot more than let’s say the shoulder-long haircut. Hence why they would need to implement new animations for every hairstyle for every hat.
With that said, however, I do agree. I’ve always hated that much character goes bald, because I choose to wear a hat! It could be an awesome looking hat, but the cost/benefit is tipping too far towards the cost side, when I go bald aswell!
I’d would be happy if they just reverted things to how they worked before halloween: short or “updo” looking hair under all hats and helmets. Why they feel that bald is better than what we had before is beyond me.
Yeah please,for instance when buying the Staghelmet that costs 20g,the front looks nice,but take a look at the back and its looks Horrible,you can see the baldness coming under his helm and the Fatlayers on his neck popping out.It justr looks really ugly and its the main reason im not even considering buying the stag helmet at all,itook longer hair for a reason ! Please show us our hair under our helmets already…
Yes, it would be possible. But it wouldn’t be cheap, nor easy. Please do consider all the various hairstyles in the game. Now picture them all in your head (or those you can remember). How many different shapes and sizes do you get? A human female with a mohawk surely would look different than a human female with shoulder-long hair, when wearing the same hat. There’s a hairstyle, also from the human female, that is much more wild and flowing (which a lot of people have chosen in fact), that is “filling” (both higher, long and broader(?)) a lot more than let’s say the shoulder-long haircut. Hence why they would need to implement new animations for every hairstyle for every hat.
That’s massively over-complicating the issue. This could be addressed comparatively simply by implementing 2-3 possibilities when equipping a head-slot item.
1: Character is bald/mohawked: use current system.
2: Character has short hair: apply short hair below/around helm.
(3): Character has long hair: apply long hair below/around helm. Alternatively, revert to option 2.
Now, as for how to add the necessary new textures in game. GW2 obviously does not use a “1 head piece per head” system as people have pointed out here, because many light armor helms take the form of circlets or gemstones, and still render your character’s hair. But, for the moment, lets assume that for technical reasons, we have to essentially pick between a hat and a hairdo.
Find a short hair style that is simple and clean in the back/sides area. Cut of the top of that mesh, and stick the back/sides onto every helm. Assuming that it’s either technically impossible for the helm to detect your hair color, or the devs are just lazy, make the hair area a dye slot on the gear item.
Repeat for long hair, or don’t. It would be a lot more difficult, as many head slot items would need different long hair attachments from one another, and, as you pointed out, you’d need to move the skeleton points for animations. So you could simply use short hair here. I know plenty of people with long hair who tuck their hair into a hat when performing physical activities. I’d be satisfied with short hair, and I suspect that many others would.
It’s certainly a time-intensive task, but it’s frankly a pretty easy one. It’s something I wish they had done before launch, because this does not seem likely to be added ex post facto.