Hair through hats and helms

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


Currently, all hats and helms either covers up or removes hair completely.

It appears that to save on development time, instead of modelling hats over hair types or creating different models of hats with hair, Anet decided to add ugly flaps and hoods to all hats.

I would like to see hats and helms be redone and actually show hair like with the heritage diadems.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: panzer.6034



I dont ever feel like wearing helmets simply because they always make my character look bald. I want more headgear of all 3 categories that show your full hairstyle.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gullyshanks.8795


Not of immediate importance, but it would be a nice cosmetic change.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


There are very few headpieces I actually displayed in GW1 due to the "makes you bald" aspect. Even if there was a default rendering of hair that differed from my chosen to show it being mostly tucked under a hat or still coming out from under the hat in some fashion, I’d be down.

Often the response is "this prevents clipping with the various hair styles" as rendering the hat/helm over hair would do, but maybe make the hair part of the helm/hat design if possible, if you get what I mean.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spyly.5749


Wearing a hat/helmet is ridiculous.. no point of actually waste time personalizing and styling your character when the hair is removed when wearing a head gear. I don’t think that this issue would be a headache for ANet, so would someone look this up ? It could be of minor importance but it makes it feel like a major bug when facing high-end graphics and players who care about cosmetics.

I think they should check this up and treat it more carefully and with more importance.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aurra.4971


Definitely this. I was excited when I got a witch hat today.. except it’s perched on the top of my character’s head and deletes all her hair, making her look like she’s literally shaved bald.

It’s not that hard to rectify. I’d be happy with a ‘default’ hair model that just takes your hair color when you’re equipping a hat or a helmet. I think Age of Conan actually did this, one of the few things they got right.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Josh.8154


Well ya can uncheck the headgear if ya do not like thereby hiding it. My thief sports the entire pirate look so the hat matches the look. I do not like however the Ninja masks for medium armor. Yet the ninja mask does show the hairstyle atleast the below 80 Exotic ones do.

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Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


I really hate that pirate hat flap.

User was infracted for being awesome.

Hair through hats and helms

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


as long as there is no clipping issues it would be a nice change.