Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Handies.7602


These are listed in no specific order, even tho they are numbered…

1 – Ping Meters
2 – CoD Mail
3 – Trade System
4- Account Authenticators
5 – Numbers on mobs health bars
6 – Mods
7 – Moveable Ui
8 – Better guild rank permissions
9 – More Rank icons
10 – Guild Alliances
11 – More Chat Channels
12 – Guild Officer Chat
13 – Guild/Group WvWvW joining
14 – Better Camera system
15 – Capes
16 – Banners not being able to picked up by strangers. Planter or Guild only
17 – Last online option for guild
18 – Be able to create more than one chat window – I run Guild and General chat on seperate tabs. I want to be able to see both at same time..
19 – More Titles
20 – Guild Bank permissions
21 – Guild Halls
22 – Guild Airships
23 – Be able to build Guild Castles. Walls, shops, trading post/etc.. Take money and time
24 – Add Guild Permission.. Invite member..
25 – Guild Taxes/Tithe
26 – Be able to label bags and bank slots
27 – Ingame guild calender with signup
28 – Be able to see how much influence a guild member is making
29 – Karma Account wide
30 – More Classes
31 – Dx11 implentation with option to turn it off.
32 – Make currencies that come from dungeons/etc be put on a currency tab
33 – Some form of PvE longhaul endgame.
34 – Forum post count
35 – Thread subbing
36 – Mods
37 – Scaleable Ui
38 – Main and off assist

(edited by Handies.7602)

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


There’s already two rather large suggestion compilation threads, do we really need a third?

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Handies.7602


There’s already two rather large suggestion compilation threads, do we really need a third?

Yes, why you ask? Because these are what i wanna see.

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Handies.7602


Added 7 more suggestions to the list

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Handies.7602


Added 2 more suggestions to list

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Handies.7602


Added 3 more suggestions to the list