Hard mode

Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


It crossed my mind how to put some hard, knuckle busting end game content while thinking how it was in gw1.

There should be a switch like in gw1, between hm and nm. And when you go HM, every area gets a full lvl 80+ foe setup. Every normal foe turns into elite ( silver ring ), every veteran turns into a champion, every champion into a legendary, and legendary gets more though and mean than ever with whole bag of crazy skills to unleash. Every Heart is reset for HM and had to be done again, only on lvl 80+ difficulty. Every heart and event give more rewards when completed, like 50-100% boost on karma and gold. Drops are more rewarding. And OFC achievement.

Achievement should count hearts done on HM, Events completed on HM, and Foes slain on HM. Just like slayer, there could be vanquisher title, which counts foes slain on HM. Godlike hero title for hearts, and Vigilante for counting events on HM.

But that is not all, Dungeons!
Every dungeon gets boost to lvl 85+ and mobs gets special attacks too. Ofc harder dungeon requires more and better loot, but achievements too.

And NO, players are only lvl 80, so every foe is at least 5 lvls above just to make things more interesting.

I could go on and on in details for each dungeon and stuff, but i think most of you gets the idea.

How do you like it?

Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


Hard Mode was not introduced into GW1 until nearly 2 years after the game came out, after Factions and Nightfall had been released. Releasing such a concept this early in the games life would I think do much more harm than good.

If you want more content/ more difficult content, just be patient, it will come.

Also, a Hard Mode will not be possible like it was in GW1 because the core “world” is not instanced. In GW2, if you turned on HM…. how would that impact the level 5 guy fighting the same mobs right next to you, back in the early zones?

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


You would have split worlds, HM and NM, so you are still able to play lvl 5, while i play lvl 80. It’s like same open world, just harder, a lot!