Hardcore mode for the hardcore players

Hardcore mode for the hardcore players

in Suggestions

Posted by: Severan Rye.6215

Severan Rye.6215

When the game started out, our guild stepped into Guild Wars 2 with a roster of 200 players, somewhere in between the release and Halloween events – we had a full roster of 275 with 190+ active all the time. Now – we have barely 6 active players.

We had a discussion on our forum, regarding this issue and some of the points brought up most people was:
1. Its too easy, end game is boring
2. Lack of hardcore PvP
3. The content, although vast – is narrow and not interesting

so we were thinking – can we have a hardcore button on top (next to the WvW icon) which you can toggle for greater rewards and severe death penalties. You should also be able to obtain hardcore missions each day (can be a part of your personal story or guild level mission, but missions have to be random, unique and never repeated) that are “really” hard, can be done solo or with a group, doesn’t have to involve combat all the time and give amazing and unique or personalized rewards and a ladder board?

honestly in our point of view / mine, THERE IS NO ENDGAME CONTENT at the moment and w/e you gave us is either beaten or has become repetitive and dull (this includes PvE, WvW and sPvP).

Just speaking my mind /rant others are welcome to share some ideas.

(edited by Severan Rye.6215)