Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinsko.9342


Would love to have the Task (Yellow Hearts) have an option to be done again (say… Blue Hearts) after we complete a zone to 100% (or World Completion to 100%).

This could be on a decay/auto-reset with the monthly. It would definitely encourage people to go out in the world for more than just events.

Not the first time I made this suggestion… but hopefully something like this will come in to play for us with 100% characters. I’m looking forward to the Flame & Frost events that will encourage us to revisit zones.

Saints – Ranger / Vincent Nightmare – Thief

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I suddenly thought of multiple rebirth/ascension systems where your character will essentially lose all your standing and essentially start over but with your current items and whatnot and you can re-do your storyline etc (of course, this is just my thoughts, I don’t expect it to get implemented because otherwise if you have Order armor, what would happen? If you could get more than 1 order armor via this method, it would lose its’ authenticity).

Would be fun. I love running around helping people in general. I can definitely see a 100% zone having blue hearts that are essentially repeatable and when completed will act similarly to an event instead of getting the money reward. Or perhaps a mixture.

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Yes a way to replay hearts but still retain their completion status in order to be able to get world completion would be nice. Not sure if auto-reset is a way to go, but if people want to reset a heart to replay it again I don’t see how that might harm anyone.

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Yes a way to replay hearts but still retain their completion status in order to be able to get world completion would be nice. Not sure if auto-reset is a way to go, but if people want to reset a heart to replay it again I don’t see how that might harm anyone.

If you could reset it at will, it would be abused. Think Orr zerg farms, now add another 3s every run to it.

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


You’re right about that, how about we limit each heart reset once per day? Or maybe reset 10 hearts of your choice per day, something like that seems a bit more balanced and unabusive.

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinsko.9342


You’re right about that, how about we limit each heart reset once per day? Or maybe reset 10 hearts of your choice per day, something like that seems a bit more balanced and unabusive.

That’s the reason I suggested resetting it with the Monthly. It would encourage exploration of other zones – not just the same zone again and again each day, plus… it’s pretty tough to do 100% completion for all of Tyria in a single month.

ArenaNet is the brains, I just would love to see something like this available… lol

Saints – Ranger / Vincent Nightmare – Thief

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


This sounds great. So long as there aren’t any specific rewards beyond the usual, because this should be 100% ‘well I’m in the area, why not?’ instead of anyone feeling forced to retread their steps. In other words, no laurel-like currency or rewards should be added, just money, exp, karma, and the chance for magic items/ingredients.

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinsko.9342


This sounds great. So long as there aren’t any specific rewards beyond the usual, because this should be 100% ‘well I’m in the area, why not?’ instead of anyone feeling forced to retread their steps. In other words, no laurel-like currency or rewards should be added, just money, exp, karma, and the chance for magic items/ingredients.

Oh for sure…I’d hate to see World Completion x77 lolol

Saints – Ranger / Vincent Nightmare – Thief

Heart/Task - Decay/Redo Option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


I’m for removing hearts gradually alltogether.
They are repetive and boring compared to events, and that makes the low-lvl areas desolate and boring.
Compare the price of Wool to the price of Silk! Silk is freaking everywhere because lvl 80 chars only play lvl 80 areas. low-lvl areas are too easy and there’s nothing to do except the occasional event.
Orr and Southsun cove are fun as hell without hearts.