Help with Orrian stuff

Help with Orrian stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tiger Fu.6524

Tiger Fu.6524


ok so i played guild wars 2 from start with my friend and he got to lvl 80 like in a month, i know now people get to lvl 80 in 3 days, however he is trying to get Orrian dagger really bad and he dosen’t know how to get it, so am asking help here on forums if anyone knows (btw sorry if this is like a noob thing to ask but i didn’t had much time to play gw2 i was busy)

Help with Orrian stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: CalmestChaos.2463

CalmestChaos.2463 (if that does not work, just google gw2 wiki. the wiki will tell you anything you want to know about anything so long as you give it a few days if its brand new.

Help with Orrian stuff

in Suggestions

Posted by: gothmog.7501


Orrian daggers drop all over the place: buy one off the TP