Hi-Res screenshot option

Hi-Res screenshot option

in Suggestions

Posted by: TottWriter.8591


I haven’t seen this topic come up in a while, and I was wondering if it’s something that is in ANet’s radar or something that has been pushed to the back or forgotten about.

For those that didn’t play in the BWE, there used to be a hi-res screenshot option which took screens that looked amazing – but there was occasionally a bug which made the images rather boxy, or put lines through them, especially underwater.

Still, the quality of the pictures was amazing, and for my experiences, most of the time they were far, far superior to anything I have been able to replicate via other means (I take all my screenshots now through the Steam client, but other people have changed the filenames and such.) The hi-res screens also had the advantage of automatically hiding the UI, meaning you could take some really good action shots without having to stop and hide it manually.

For a comparison, click and see the difference in the two screenshots of my character from Beta. I would love to be able to take screens like the first again.


To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

(edited by TottWriter.8591)

Hi-Res screenshot option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marge.4035


Nothing more to add than as someone who loves to make screenshots I agree on the idea to bring this option back.

No, No, No! Mummified flesh on the left! Dried bones on the right!