Hide Screen clutter

Hide Screen clutter

in Suggestions

Posted by: razieljones.1408


I asked in Gen Discussion about this and received the answer I feared, that being that you cannot hide the reminder text on the right, for your main quest, your daily’s / monthly’s and now this cut throat / bazaar reminder.

I understand that they can be handy for when you first log in, or if your goal at the time is to pursue these quests. But it can be a bit disenchanting when you just want to do a bit of exploration and enjoy this fantastically beautiful world.

The wall of coloured text kinda kills the immersion for me. I know you can partially hide some of the text, but it is still very noticeable and takes away from the experience for me.

Any how I would like to suggest that if at all possible at some point in the future that an option or some other mechanism be added to allow you to hide this text all together when it is not need.

Thanks for you time and this wonderful world to explore.