Hire more than 2 people for class balance
Agreed. JP even said they get bottlenecked with other things. Which makes me think 2 people are working on balance changes but that’s not 100% of their job.
Agreed and get better programmers because you fix cant seem to fix bugs. Engineer got hammered with bugs you removed some but got equal back that was even worse
Agreed! Will you be so kind to pay arenanet the sum of money they need to hire the appropiate people ? Thanks,you’re too kind !
Oh i’m sorry… I didn’t realise this was a pay half now for a crap product and pay more to get the rubbish fixed later on at some random time….
Oh i’m sorry… I didn’t realise this was a pay half now for a crap product and pay more to get the rubbish fixed later on at some random time….
That doesn’t even make sense,he’s talking about anet needs to hire more people…and forgetting this is NOT a p2p.But people here think theyre all so smart,and they know everything better then everyone else,and they know it all especially better then arenanet does offc.