Hobbies mini games

Hobbies mini games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


*I don’t care if you don’t want it. It’s a tape of mini game.
*limit to outside of towns
*selected areas in town
*no dueling during events

Moa Racing
*Is it in the game now? I’ve can sometimes bet on a moa race in Queensdale but can’t find the race or how to start the event.

*Gliding works like the diving mini games.
*Found on top of vesta’s and jumping puzzles
*Asura contraption or wings of energy.

Zip lining
*element for some future jumping puzzles
*Put at the end of a jumping puzzle to get back to the starting point.
*Or in the middle of a jumping puzzle.

Pet dueling
*Mini game like pokemon “AN may already be planning this in LA”.

Flying mini racers
*Game that lets your control your mini in a air race.

*talking to npc’s about fish and river, lack monsters
*scary fish to catch like in “river monsters TV show”
*different fishing rigs
*crafted lures, reels, bate
*some fish like blow-fish would have drops that can be used for poisons.

*not mounts

  • Bet on centaurs jousting at the circus
    *Jousting mini’s game

Hobbies mini games

in Suggestions

Posted by: Volmer.8092


Fishing would be a nice addition to the game. there are plenty of water areas already stocked with fish!