Holy trinity, it's still lingering.
This is going to be a very short post, because of a very simple reason.
Arena net have said many times there is no holy trinity anymore, everyone can do everything, and everyone can choose what to play.
Thats great and all and I really love the concept, but something doesn’t add up.
Healing power: A stat for healing.
Why is this in the game? It just separates the idea of a holy trinity, because if you are gearing for healing, then you are “a healer” and then can not deal damage as much as you could be therefore you arent “a dpser”
I dont understand the reasoning behind this? I understand why you would have condition damage and power separate, but the healing stat seems out of place.
1. I agree.
2. Why is this in suggestions?
My random thoughts on this: I still don’t fully understand the reasoning behind the classes. The ones with healy abilities, what are they supposed to be/do? Is there no “supposed to” anymore? If that’s the case, and speccing for healing isn’t an option (it really is not an option), what’s the point being able to heal a bit? Is everybody supposed to chip in? If so, who’s tanking? Why do the people who are tanking die so much? Oh, there’s nobody healing them…. why not? Because they’re healing themselves. It’s a mess from the bottom up. Needs attention and some kind of explanation somewhere.
The “holy trinity” was never, technically, gone. Arenanet state their intention to get rid of it, but people neglected the part where the new trinity is supposed to be control (keeping monsters debuffed with conditions and kited), support (providing boons), and damage (same old stuff). Healing power actually ends up being more of the tank/control role’s stat, particularly for classes like the Thief and Mesmer that can’t actually heal other classes.
The dreaded trinity is gone, the responsibility for one’s own survival and that of their allies to a lesser extent is in each player’s hands. A good group will operate effectively, a bad group will fail due to one or more players making a genuine mistake or just not pulling their own weight.
Well. The true trinity is gone but you can still support each other to make things easier. Increasing your healing can only benifit you. It will increase how much health you regen per tick and make your healing skills heal for more.
I play a guardian but since i cannot tank blow for blow with alot of bosses. I can whip out my staff and buff everyone else and throw 2k+ heals on them every cooldown so they can focus doing the damage. That 2k heal might not seem like much but if you are stuck with a dot on you, it can make the different between a knockdown and surviving. People stick to me like glue when they see me running around bosses with my staff out. Haha that sounded funny. But seriously, it`s true.
Stacking healing stats doesn’t make you useless at everything but healing, and not stacking healing doesn’t make you useless at healing.
Two opponents who’ve stacked the healing stat aren’t gonna sit there in stalemate slapping each other with handbags until a 3rd player breaks the deadlock, as happens in other games.
If I understand the philosophy right…there isn’t supposed to by anyone tanking. That is…anyONE. In theory, someone should take a couple of hits, roll out, heal, and come back in when their ready. It actually works like that too, only having one person take all the hits makes content much harder than having everyone get into the battle at once.
Please read the wiki on damage, control and support.
If I understand the philosophy right…there isn’t supposed to by anyone tanking. That is…anyONE. In theory, someone should take a couple of hits, roll out, heal, and come back in when their ready. It actually works like that too, only having one person take all the hits makes content much harder than having everyone get into the battle at once.
I agree, this is what i thought it was going to be about, one player going in for a couple of hits, rolling out and another player jumps in.
But the aggro system in this game is still confusing (or possibly broken), I remember watching interviews of Anet and they said that aggro is simple, who ever is closest to the enemy, tanks it. But I dont see this working about 90% of the time, I have seen it work, but not enough to know if this is how its supposed to be.
And this is in suggestions because it was 2 am and i clicked all the wrong buttons, ALL OF THEM.
Ok, gonna explain it fast, simple and citing the official wiki.
Control: is the act of manipulating enemy movement, damage, as well as many other game mechanics. Correct use of control is a way to turn the tide of the battle. It is one of the three main elements of the combat system, the others being damage and support. For more information: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control
Support: is one of the three main elements of the combat system, the others being damage and control. It consists of providing increased effectiveness and survivability in combat via additional healing, boons, defensive actions like blocking or cloaking as well as combos. Supporting is a way for players to work together to accomplish a shared goal. For more information: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Support
Damage: is any effect from an action which results in a target losing health. Damage is considered to be one of the three facets the Guild Wars 2 combat system is built around, the others being support and control. All professions are able to deal damage in a useful way, mostly by using skills. For more information: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage
Try to inform yourself, you may find usefull information. I’m a Thief/Controller, to acomplish my role I use Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power, I spam blind and stuns and when a find my self or other ally in problems I use Shadow Refuge. Thanks to the diferent poisons and traps there are diferent ways to do my job. Try experimenting!
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
I see your point.
My primary is a Warrior. I have raised my healing power somewhat at the cost of other stats like you said. when you need to use your heal skill its invaluable. With top notch armor and my defense atribute maxed I can pretty much tank any single anemy my level without dodging (not bosses) as long as there isn’t a red circle under me. I can also tank small groups with a DPS around. The armor healing bonuses and buffs (like regen) from armor are actually quite helpful to have.
If I were to venture a guess, it would be that having the stat make u a better tank for dungeons , etc. Rather than going heavy damage. You could play it anyway you wanted.
its not letting me quote for some reason, but @Kiba
Thats all well and dandy but lets face it, thats still a holy trinity in terms of Gw2, its just you dont have a tank.
I’m a person that likes to play a tank/support/healer role, and there are traits/builds that allows for me to do so.
So, why can’t I play this type of style?
What if I decide not to go for DPS?
The holy trinity wasn’t technically gone, this game just allows for different types of build/play-style and being able to switch during combat to be more effective; the holy trinity isn’t necessary. Players should be encouraged to try different builds, imo. If everyone is forced to run a DPS to be successful, that just defeats the purpose of diversity in the game.
i will always support the trinity. trinity is good.
people tend not to like it because non-dps roles are more important
and few choose to play tanks/healers, resulting in frustrating situations.
while i support the trinity it doesnt mean i support cookie-cutter roles.
a good example would be the shaman from warhammer.
an all around support class offensively and defensively.
and tanks are good too. having the role of pushing forward, taking hits for the team,
forcing people to attack you instead of you squishy allies (ironbreaker style).
trinity is good. it gives more variety to the game, just not for each individual.
without trinity, everyone has a little bit of everything, dps/heal/cc/survival/boons/conditions.
resulting in everyone being able to do everything, which is boring for the game as a whole.
and dont get me wrong, i dont mean to limit each class to one role.
im just saying that you should spec within your class to fullfill one of those roles.
and be able to respec of course.
imo those roles should be:
-control: low damage, high defense, many cc.
(role: push, share damage, get dps off other people’s backs via slows and knockbacks)
-support: medium damage, low defense, little cc.
(role: heal, cure, buff, debuff, purge)
-nuker: high damage, medium defense, some cc.
(role: kill :P )
(edited by Trismegistos.3046)
Pick up a guardian, stack up nothing but healing power and enter a dungeon with your friends. Try to play healer and please, don’t cry when you get wiped over and over again.
It’s not really possible to heal people in this game. You can provide a little support yeah, but everyone has to take care of their own heads.
p.s: However, you can do some good self-healing
i will always support the trinity. trinity is good.
people tend not to like it because non-dps roles are more important
and few choose to play tanks/healers, resulting in frustrating situations.while i support the trinity it doesnt mean i support cookie-cutter roles.
a good example would be the shaman from warhammer.
an all around support class offensively and defensively.and tanks are good too. having the role of pushing forward, taking hits for the team,
forcing people to attack you instead of you squishy allies (ironbreaker style).trinity is good. it gives more variety to the game, just not for each individual.
without trinity, everyone has a little bit of everything, dps/heal/cc/survival/boons/conditions.
resulting in everyone being able to do everything, which is boring for the game as a whole.and dont get me wrong, i dont mean to limit each class to one role.
im just saying that you should spec within your class to fullfill one of those roles.
and be able to respec of course.imo those roles should be:
-control: low damage, high defense, many cc.
(role: push, share damage, get dps off other people’s backs via slows and knockbacks)
-support: medium damage, low defense, little cc.
(role: heal, cure, buff, debuff, purge)
-nuker: high damage, medium defense, some cc.
(role: kill :P )
I agree with this post.