Home Instance suggestions!

Home Instance suggestions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ravanus.2543


Let’s share in this topic our ideas about Home Instance, and what to do with it to convince us to go there!

1. Merchants in the HI should sell stuff that you unlock with achievement points, LS, and during story line(for example: One of the merchants should sell Order armor and weapons, and for each order there would be one tab. That is of course, if you have finished story for every Order.) and other various items that would be otherwise hard to find.

2. Portals. In my opinion there should be portal in there for LA. I know, that every city has one, but still it would prove more useful.

3. Monumets. Implement the mechanic from the EOTN! Are you a proud member of the Vigil? Have their battle standar! You have beaten every single world boss? Have a monument erected in your name!

4. Every choice in the game should be somehow shown in the HI(and I’m not talking about for example having hyleks or skritt in there)

5. Create teleportation crystal to the home instance, that you can obtain only if you have at least one character lvl 80.

That’s my suggestions as for now, what about you guys? What do you think should be in there to make you want be there?:)

Home Instance suggestions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imperatora.7654


The only big ones there I would like are 5 and 2 in combination. I’ve been through the Mists more times than I can hope to count but I’ve never once sPVPed, it’s just a second loading screen to get to LA cheaper.

Or I guess, better than using the HI, just give me a “port to LA” button.

Home Instance suggestions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorelei.7809


I particularly love the idea of an ability to port there. Like you go to PvP to then get to Lion’s Arch. If we can do that, then maybe we can go home, to our racial capital, then to Lion’s Arch. At least after our personal story is over on that character. I know some instances are located there.

I would like a personal story historian there.

I’d also like the ability to have a bank and merchant in there.

Home Instance suggestions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Run Away PLZ.7639

Run Away PLZ.7639

I like
1 – Would like to be able to get the armors from each order. Same as with cultural armor what was the point of unifying all the orders and all races to take down the dragon if you can’t even borrow their clothing style….

2 – Always nice having LA ports wherever you go xD

3 – I would like to see this

5- It does suck how it is right now such a trouble to get to your home you have to sit through 1 load screen after paying money and then another to get into your home instance then you exit sit through another load screen to get into the city then another load screen to go wherever you are heading to next.

Home Instance suggestions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Henge.3907


I would like the home instance to really be worked on. Have upgradable things in it like the guild panel. Want merchants? Buy a contract for them. How about a house? Armor mannequins to store my junk on.

Basically I’d like it to feel like a home, currently its really out of the way and troublesome to enter and provides no actual benefit other than now a drinking challenge, and whatever nodes you’ve unlocked.