Fall Goliath
Home instance feedback
Fall Goliath
I’ve heard that they do plan to add content to the home instance. Personally I’m hoping for an actual home – a house or area of the instance that is your characters personal space.
Partially for lore reasons (they have to live somewhere, and my human noble apparently has household servants so it doesn’t make sense for her to not have a house) and partially because I think they could do a lot of cool things by letting us customise it, or doing something like the HoM in GW1 where we can use it to display trophies relating to our achivements.
I’ve also heard it will change as you progress through the personal story, and maybe that includes the asuran one becoming more populated.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I thought the same deal and remembered the emphasis that the home instance would customize/changed based on what you do. But what really happened is spend maybe 4-5 quick missions in it and never saw it again.
Would love if I could setup my own crafting stations, waypoint, vendors, TP access, building customization, and etc. Even if it were to cost me quite a bit of gold I’d love to do that.