Honestly....it is hard to be critical

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garthius.8250


I’ve enjoyed GW2 more than I’ve enjoyed any other MMO before. There is rich content, in depth crafting, and frequent tweeking by the developers to improve the experience (I am more of a PvE player than a PvPer). The only things that I would say could be improved per my tastes are:

1. Make leveling more difficult. I will soon reach the level cap on 6 toons and I don’t consider myself too hardcore.
2. Add content to to the trading company more frequently.
3. Although the dyes are nice, allow for more customization of gear. This could take the form of elemental enchantments or something like that.
4. The waypoint teleporting is nice, but I really miss having a mount that speeds up land travel.

Again, this is all I have because the game is crafted quite well IMO. Keep up the good work, developers/artists.

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

  • I would hazard to guess they are considering/attempting 2 and 3.
  • In all honesty, 4 could be cool, but I would want mounted combat in conjunction. We’re bored of the stupid “movement only” mounts from other MMOs. I feel like usually they are a measure to distract from large zones with minimal content, GW2 has so much packed into it’s areas that mounts are needed in that way. As long as mounts were an extension of combat, though, and didn’t take away from on-foot combat, they would be really nice.
  • Honestly don’t believe 1 is a good idea in the slightest, however. Having an exorbitant, bloated leveling grind is what puts huge amounts of people off these types of games. I know for a fact that many of the friends I’ve gotten into this game would have given up and quit if leveling was as tedious and unending as in most other MMOs.

I also have a lot of praise for the developers on this game, it really is a brilliant achievement.

(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


The great thing about GW2 is that it is, more than almost any other game, less focused on your character’s level. Apart from opening you up to more content, your character’s level is almost meaningless in this game. I for one think that’s a great thing.

I do hope they make weapons able to be dyed in the future.

Mounts I think don’t have a place here, waypoints are too numerous really cover most everything a mount traditionally offers: Getting from point A to B quickly.

(edited by Reverielle.3972)

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


about mounts can you read my post i posted about mounts

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


If anything, leveling should be easier. Instant would be my preferred option, but I’ll settle for a level cap of 20.

Mounts …. I don’t see any reason.

As for customization and cash content … sure, just you wait

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Honestly....it is hard to be critical

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


I would only support combat mounts if the following was met:

  • You start with one immediately. IE: It’s free and given to all characters
  • The rarest most prestigious mount is completely equal to the free one stat wise. Or to one EASILY achievable by the casual player. Otherwise it would go against ANet’s philosophy that everything be obtainable by all players given time.

However, I don’t think there is any lore supporting adding in mounts. There is some loophole for vehicles since the Charr and Asurans have a tendency to invent things.