A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
Hotkey slots for consumables & weapons
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
I’ve made a little “simulated” image to explain what I’m meaning.
Look on the right of the screen.
Those slots would be able to be bound to keys of course.
Basically, 8 or 10 slots where you could put inventory items in, and also if it’s a weapon, configure (with a right click menu) if it goes in the main hand or off hand.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
(edited by Korrigan.4837)
I would be really excited to see this in Game! This would help a ton with proffessions who have a huge array of weapons at their disposal, which is pretty much everyone but Elementalists and Necromancers.
Yes, we definetily need this. There are so many “environmental” weapons or tools you can buy throughout the world. There is so many food. There are so many weapons!
It is very annoying to constantly have to open the backpack. Also I don’t think this would be hard to make.
yes a hotkey for 10 inventory slots would be nice, looking at all the drinks for thirst slayer(50.000) and champion boxes. i might have a very strong index finger soon
A age old suggestion that still hasnt been implemented, really hope thats not a bad sign and devs are just the busiest bees, because most people would agree on this being a good idea.
Best idea for it iv heard before is the utility hotbar – which you can position anywhere around the screen. have 5 slots ONLY so players have to choose wisely (and it doesnt start becoming like traditional MMOs with screenspace) and they can put minis, foods, boosters or whatever they like in that space.
I’m with you for consumables, but not weapons. I also find that design to be far too bulky.
I would like to see 4 slots just above skills, where boons and conditions currently display as a mirror to the class mechanic section.
They can move boons and conditions to just above the health globe.