Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skpamd.3874


I am a long time EQ2 player and one of the great things about the game is the housing and the house decorating system of the game. It would be great if you could add this, plus with your dye system you could far surpass it. On the in game support it would be great if you could add a feed back so while we are playing if with think of something we could feed back you before we get distracted and forget. Then finally could you please please please add a game time clock (not a real life clock but a game time clock) so we have an idea when daylight is coming and when night time is coming.

Thank you for an otherwise awesome game.

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wabafet.9541


Some form of player housing is always a good idea, personal or guild. There is a clock in the game but it is default to off. In the settings under General Options → User Interface: In-Game Clock can be set to Server Time or Local Time. It will display the time in the bottom left corner of the mini-map.

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nitross.6987


As the OP says, he would like a “game time” clock. As in, something that would tell you when night is about to fall in-game. I think this is a nice idea but, not really necessary unless environment changes become relevant to some events; for instance, an event that only occurs at a specific time at night. That would be really great.

As for the housing, I think it would be nice to have something a little personalized too; we have a nice “home” district but, it’s rarely used beyond the first part of the personal story. I was kind of disappointed there was no clear indication of what was my house in the “home” district. At least that would be nice. It would be great if one place was clearly marked as ours and had a special feature like a “closet” that would work as the PVP locker for town clothes for instance.

- Fort Aspenwood -

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: schizandra.4587


I would love for there to be some kind of personalized housing for players. The racial home instances have the potential to be that, I think. I haven’t been in any other than the sylvari dreamers terrace, but that one has so many little homes that it would be perfect to choose one and set it up as we like, perhaps buy furnishings and place trophies for in-game accomplishments. Maybe even some extra storage for weapons, armors and food etc., and little crafting stations.

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skpamd.3874


There is an event in Village of Shaemoor that starts after dark.

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I think this is a nice idea but, not really necessary unless environment changes become relevant to some events; for instance, an event that only occurs at a specific time at night.

It’s not an event but an sigil effect: Sigil of the Night is “sensitive” to the ingame clock. At least I guess that it’s checking for ingame night and not server-time-night…

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


I’d like the option of a clock that shows both the game time and the local time.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Something to add:

I would like so themed housing instance. For example, living in Bloodtide coast will get me a tropical environment. Living in Wayfarer foothills gets me a mountainous environment.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: graceangel.3618


I dunno if this could work or not, but what if where you lived gave you certain types of boons? Like, if you live in your race’s home town area; you get a small something. But, by living in certain areas outside of the main cities; you’d get something all together different. maybe nothing too huge, but maybe like a +5 vitality/mf/something like that.

Housing, In game feed back, oh and a clock

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


I like the housing idea. I seen it in multiple mmo games and they were very successful at it (except for runescape a little bit because of how much you have to spend to make a house, anyone remember that?)