How Anet can balance WVW matches

How Anet can balance WVW matches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jeda.5209


Personally, I think the best way they can actually balance a majority of the matches and actually have real rankings not rankings based solely on WVW population 24/7 would be to lower the cap. How much would be up to Anet since they the only ones who know what the current cap is. Maybe lower it to what the avg server can field on a map of a mid tier server? or to the max number the lowest rank server can field in a matchup during a given time in the day?

Yea, I know high tier server will rage because they only know how to overwhelm their opponent by pure numbers and now they will have ridiculous queues. Good, then maybe they can actually unstack those servers or deal with the consequences.

Regardless, it will have more even matches. Make rankings based more so on server skill and less about server WVW population coverage. Also, it will actually reduced the lag when facing one of these mega servers.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

How Anet can balance WVW matches

in Suggestions

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


yes. raise the cap once population spreads out over servers because they had enough of 5h queues.

How Anet can balance WVW matches

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rawr.5930


So punish the servers with large populations so you can “win”?

Get over yourself.

For guilds to leave they lose everything, buffs influence, the gem cost is high etc etc.

5 of 8 matchups in NA are pretty close, and anyone with a cursory understanding of wvw can see a shift in servers in 2 of the broken matchups would even things out quite nicely.

T8 is unfortunately quite borked.

But sure sacrifice potentially 7 of 8 balanced tiers, punish players for doing the rational thing (have fun), just because you arent having what YOU think is a balanced matchup.

Selfish much?

Meega Kweesta

How Anet can balance WVW matches

in Suggestions

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


so keep the servers stacked so you can “win”?

get over yourself.

selfish much?

btw im from deso if that means anything to you…