How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


The suggested changes for D2 and a few Blood Magic traits would do several things for a Necro that wishes to use a dagger as a MH weapon:

1. Increase survive-ability for solo necros getting ganged up on by two or more players.
2. Make the dagger more viable for PvE farming.
3. Bring it more in line with the other MH weapons, which all have an AOE attack.
4. Add a group healing aspect.

Suggested Changes:

1. Make Life Siphon an AOE on up to five targets, causing a heal tick/target hit/pulse.
2. Decrease the duration of D2 focus, making it faster like Axe 2.
3. Modify Transfusion to include Life Siphon with Life Transfer.
4. Change Bloodthirst back to 50%…20%? Come on now…
5. Improve the healing power scaling; having a near flat “increase” to healing is a joke. There are likely very few people that actually spec gear into healing power because of the terrible rate of return.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aenia Shadowforce.9148

Aenia Shadowforce.9148

I afree with small buffs to life siphoning. Maybe last skill in dagger chain could have dmg slightly reduced and life siphon effect added? Maybe 3rd skill could bind 1 target but deal dmg in area? Maybe sigil’s siphoning effects should be increased by stats aswell?

There is no discussion that scaling on siphon should be increased, make base siphon smaller and scaling more interesting, thus making blood line specialisation more rewarding.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


The only time I was ever spec’d into Blood Magic was when I was a MM leveling up. I did find use for the well based traits too…for dungeons only though, because wells are near useless, for me, in WvW when yer not in a zerg.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


They don’t want to make necros overpowered with DS. If they make passive vampirims too strong to where it can outheal damage dished out by one player it could be viewed as overpowered by many. I think it does need to be buffed, but it shouldn’t outheal a players damage.

On the dagger suggestion where it is AoE, I highly support this. We have a lack of stability. The dagger heal has a very large and noticeable call animation. Any fool in PvP who can’t CC a necro when he channels shouldn’t complain.

PvE is a whole differen’t thing for me, so I can’t comment on that part of the game.

Also MM are pretty strong right now, on par with the meta build (fear/condi). The siphoning from pets is pretty good and they dont want to make them too OP.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


@ Deified

I am not looking to out-heal ANY players damage; the suggestions I came up with are meant to help with situations where it is 2 players versus 1 Necro.

As it stands now, we don’t have evade as a class skill, we don’t have any blocking abilities, we don’t have good mobility, we don’t have stability (unless you waste bookoo points in shroud, or use a well).

Reiterating this: my suggestions are for MAIN HAND DAGGER users. The dagger is a “burst” weapon by design and to have D2 take longer than Axe2 is kinda counter intuitive in my book.

I only referenced the MM because that was the only time I spec’d into Blood…when I was leveling up to 80 or running dungeons.

As far as PVP is concerned, they can make separate stats for that…it has been done already for other traits and such.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


If they split healing power coefficients between PvE and PvP/WvW some more builds might actually be useful. Imagine that.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


They want to avoid splitting because if they do it a lot for one quest, the other classes are going to demand similar treatment. That is a ton of man hours every balance patch so they want to avoid it (basically splitting one skill into two balance programming wise).

On the topic of our ability to take on multiple classes Anet will forever want to push deathshroud as our survive ability potential. We will never get blocks, evades, teleports, etc. If they wanted to buff this I’d say make it so vamprisim also gives a pretty reasonable amount to life force too. So like when you do the whole life siphon with the dagger 2 it also heals your life force par. I do think our healing power scaling needs to be increased, but they really want to push for us to rely on DS for our ability to survive in fights. It’s a really awesome mecahnic, it just needs to be adjusted so that it is on par with other classes ability to survive in large 4v4+ fights.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Riccik.2907


NO,NO,NO,NO,NO Necro is at it’s finest now. Do not make any suggestions for this class, Staff is op as kitten, D/D is op too, axe is ridiculous and scepter is more than awful when you find against it… Take your time, do the traits better and you will massacre everyone with D/D and survive almost anything. Ppl are telling me I have glass cannon build but 2 can hardly take me down… and D2 Life siphon ?!! WTF It heals for 1700 – 2000.. That’s almost 1/2 of your basic HEAL what would you want ? 4K heal from D2 ?? Dude make your traits better and stop crying necro at this moment is MORE THAN GOOD.. in everything.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


NO,NO,NO,NO,NO Necro is at it’s finest now. Do not make any suggestions for this class, Staff is op as kitten, D/D is op too, axe is ridiculous and scepter is more than awful when you find against it… Take your time, do the traits better and you will massacre everyone with D/D and survive almost anything. Ppl are telling me I have glass cannon build but 2 can hardly take me down… and D2 Life siphon ?!! WTF It heals for 1700 – 2000.. That’s almost 1/2 of your basic HEAL what would you want ? 4K heal from D2 ?? Dude make your traits better and stop crying necro at this moment is MORE THAN GOOD.. in everything.

Please, think before posting rude feedback. Obviously you spec like every other fool out there…let me go full zerk so I can see numbers bigger than I can count to!! I have a good LOL at people that come at me in full zerk and expect to win.

Probably 10% of the Necro population has wasted any points in Blood…that says that they are either MM w a staff…or well build… both of which are really only any good in PvE where the mobs have a set level of intelligence. The Blood line has traits for dagger spec…but they are useless at best… Try winning a WvW fight using D2 every time it comes up…you will lose every time, I guarantee it.

I am referring to giving the “healing” aspect of the MH D a buff for those that wish to spec into healing. Please re-read the OP and think about how it would affect the Necro.

D2 would still only pulse a single heal tick when it is a 1v1. What I am suggesting is more survivability for, oh, you know, the 4v1 fights that happen so frequently because people are too afraid, generally, to fight 1v1. They hang out on walls or tucked away in some little hole until someone else engages you…pansies.

I personally have no problem winning fights, with a hybrid spec nonetheless. The changes I suggest would be better for those fights where the Necro is outnumbered.

It is funny how Guardians, Warriors, Thiefs, & Mesmers can all easily take on multiple people and win… Gee…could it be because of stealth, evade, illusions, buffage, constant fury/might, constant cleansing, massive heals? Just maybe…

Necros are apparently meant to stay and fight and eventually die…well, make it so that if people, myself NOT included, would like to be an attrition class, they can spec that way.

This thread is not a gripe thread, because, as I stated just above, I don’t even play with points in heal. The suggestions I made were to get the dev’s to think more about how to make the heal line more viable for those that want to add more to the group dynamic.

Your point about how large the heals would be holds no water by the way. Figure it this way:

Against 1 person, they are probably averaging 600 dmg/hit. D2 heal gives what, 250 hp with Bloodlust? Well, you certainly aren’t out healing their damage!

Against 5 persons, they are (summed) probably averaging 3000 dmg/hit. D2 would heal you for 1250 hp…Gee…Still not out healing the damage!

And one last time, just to make sure you get my point, I HAVE A HYBRID SPEC AND I LIKE IT. It would be nice to see a viable heal spec to make the Necro what it is supposed to be, an attrition class.

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

(edited by Kitedyou.1720)

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorudo.9054


one flaw there buddy, i use blood yet i can take more then my share.
either you spec wrong or i made my build uniquely good, blood is good you just need to use the right spec.

anyway, the reason why i got in to this thread is that farming isn’t a reason to buff a skill, if it’s UP because it can’t compete against an equal skill then yes.
you can’t just ask Anet to buff a skill because you have trouble farming, choose a different build if that’s the case but don’t ask for such things with such a childish reason.

life siphon should be buffed but not in AOE, we already have a death shroud skill exactly like it.
it should simply absorb a bit more or it should take 2 enemies with a slow-down effect, the current one is quite weak and barely worth the healing at all.

How To Fix Necro MH Dagger

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


Okay “buddy”, apparently you didn’t read the whole thread. I play hybrid and wouldn’t even benefit from this change. I am just trying to offer a modification that would make the Dagger as a MH weapon more useful all around.

Oh and big flippin deal that DS has an AOE siphon….because it doesn’t do crap for you health bar, only LFP, in case you forgot.

At least you do admit that the D2 skill is weak and barely worth it…gratz for understanding part of the reason for this post.

God…I hate trolls that just come in and throw some cr@p comment up and don’t offer anything of value…

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer