How To Fix Tequatl +

How To Fix Tequatl +

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Try to keep this short and sweet.

1. The one thing that Anet tries to do, is make us mush together…work together…blah blah

But they go about it wrong. We don’t just want to be together we want to be together with out Real Life Friends, Guild Mates, Guys on your VoIP’s FIRST, then anybody else is welcome to come. This is why Teq. needs to be instanced. Teq. will need a weekly cool down. Teq. will also need to have the amount of participants reduced to a smaller number.

2. Tequatl’s rewards are not tied to a high enough reward to make people come back over and over.

First fix all the Activities (aka Sanctum Sprint, Keg Brawl, so on and so on)so that you can run them with Guild Mates and then have Tequatl’s failure tie into the ability for your guild to do these events all week long…yes that means if you don’t get it done the dailies can’t be done….The sooner after Teq. is downed by your Guild the sooner you can run Sanctum Sprint or whatever is up that day…and with only guild mates if you choose …maybe even having tourney’s in the guild …

Second Guarantee 1 ascended weapon so at least one person out of the group can get one. Maybe make it so if you have got one last week this week you can help get it done get all reg loot but not a chance on the ascended weapon. Also, everybody who comes gets 1 guaranteed Exotic. Then all other loot as it was.

Third Introduce a new arena called Guild Arena once a Raid like Tequatl is completed each week this arena will open up for you to play in, with a few of your closest hommies.

(edited by Gummy.4278)

How To Fix Tequatl +

in Suggestions

Posted by: LaoShin.2986


Teq loot is still a joke.

How To Fix Tequatl +

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Teq loot is still a joke.

is that including the adjustment I asked for?

How To Fix Tequatl +

in Suggestions

Posted by: LaoShin.2986


it is a sound suggestion. and i like it..but just saying that currently, the loot is a joke