How bout this?

How bout this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: prenavo.3926


A function on the UI that enables you to switch out between town cloths or regular armor without having to go to the hero tab. Perhaps put into options the ability to also automatically switch it so you don’t have to. Enter combat, your town cloths disappear and are replaced by your normal armor. Leave combat and they reappear.
That and of course more available town clothing.

How bout this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belcross.6127


-More available town clothing would be nice.

How bout this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I would be quite alright also if toggle armor/town clothes could be added to the Controls so we can just assign a Hot Key to change it, if this is easier to implement.

And more town clothes would be amazing!

How bout this?

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Yes to Andrea!

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