How to Fix the Obsidian Sanctum (Really)

How to Fix the Obsidian Sanctum (Really)

in Suggestions

Posted by: tovadaun.6304


After another heated debate over ‘why do they put PvE stuff in PvP contented areas???’
This one hashed out with my own boyfriend over breakfast…
I had -IMO- a good idea.
Maybe not brilliant. Maybe not stellar. I’d say merely Good.

I may be off in this, but from what I could see and they way the travel into and out of OS felt, it is an Instanced Area. If it’s not, I think the way it’s set up could be easily remedied this way. You warp in, you Warp out.
Create the OS’Dungeon’ as it were. An Instanced Area that at any time can hold No More than a single 5man party- 1 from each server. Total of 3 parties, 15 people.
This limits the area to no more than 15 ‘living’ beings (and I use that term loosely with the PvP crowd )
This gives the following griefer relief to the QQing going on, while still maintaining the Competitive Spirit intended by the Zone
By limiting to 5 from each server, there will be no more Grief Mob of 30, 40, 50 or more on 2 or even 10.
There would be no true ‘re-vamp’ of the current map. The only thing needed would be to cut it from it’s cloth, and turn it into an Arah Clone, and paste it the same way the current Instances are.
If you fail to bring your other 4man piece if the party… Dude… you’re gonna get hosed.
At the same time, 5-on-10 or 5-on-5-on-5 is still enough to have a dang good time. Since you’re in your very own personal OS, you can spam each other til the Dolyaks come home… No one can cry over Unfairness, ANet intentionally doing something to Block my Achv, Why Did They Even Do That?!?, or any other number of silly, valid, or … Or Anything.
You get fairness. The JP stays INTACT and WHOLE and able to be completed. The mounds of Griefer Mobs trolling for 2 to 12hrs with the sole intention of You Not Getting That Achv will be no more.
Yes, I’m sorry ANet, I tried to think of a solution that Every Party Profited From… But Alas… You’d get stuck with a higher Power Bill from running the extra Servers needed.

Thanks for listening.
Happy Day.
Flame On!

Kitta the Conjurer, Guardian- At Your Service- Yak’s Bend
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!

How to Fix the Obsidian Sanctum (Really)

in Suggestions

Posted by: grumpyoldeman.4731


It was a heated debate, but I had no better suggestions at this time.

How to Fix the Obsidian Sanctum (Really)

in Suggestions

Posted by: folly dragon.4126

folly dragon.4126

The puzzle itself takes away from WvW and should plain and simple either be converted to structured pvp or completely removed. Another option is to make it a capture point that adds PPT. Personally, The instance itself should be tired to SM. Which gives more reason to sides to capture and hold that point. SM should require maintenence, constant repairs, with walls and doors that decay each tick. This would create reason to hold out lying areas and supply routes.

The easiest fix is the obvious one, dont put a 7/7 achievements met achievement and only offer 7 locations, 2 of which might be hard for the new player. they should have had 9 locations, fractal and wvw being alternate locations.

This is my opinion, as me and a few guildies went and held the location for our guildmates one nighy, another guild was there helping, we of course werent camping waypoint and would leave any lone opponents alone that would emote us (indication they werent there to fight)

How to Fix the Obsidian Sanctum (Really)

in Suggestions

Posted by: DracosBlackwing.3174


The best way to “fix” that place would be to delete it.

’Nuff said.