How to dance V2
I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?
I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?
Notably with the Asura and Sylvari, where homosexuality is present and accepted in their cultures. The protagonist of the Sylvari (not the Pale Tree, but Caithe) was/is in love with Faolain. It was/is a mutual love, but Caithe did not want to join the Nightmare Court, so that’s what stopped them from being together.
I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?
Haha, you beat me to the punch!
That’s the first thing i thought as i read that sentence, especially considering since homosexuality is not completely unheard of in Tyria