How to dance V2

How to dance V2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kenage Achalarus.4276

Kenage Achalarus.4276

well i was talking in LA today and i came a cross the idea of a new dance book for Gw2. and it is how to dance V2. what you need is the book and it unlocks 3 skills Walts, Salsa, ballroom dance. of coarse in order to do this dance you need to invite a partner of the opposet sex. so here is what i thought

How to dance V2: equip this in your toy slot and use it to unlcok new dance moves.

Walts: invite target player of the opposet sex to Walts with you. if your partner accepts you both run up to eachother and dance the walts.

Salsa: invite target player of the opposet sex to Salsa with you. if your partner accepts you both run up to eachother and dance the Salsa.

Ballroom: invite slected player to ball room dnace with you. if your partner accepts invitation your partner stands and wates for you to move up to her and you start ballroom dancing.

Big Finish Male: throw your partner up in the air and catch her.
Big finish Female: cuddle up to your partner slowly stop dancing and finish with a romantic kiss.

you are able to invite any race so imagine a male norn dancing the walts with a asuran.

a Mesmer with a Greatsword [Confusion], your mind has been [Mind Wrack]

How to dance V2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

How to dance V2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?

Notably with the Asura and Sylvari, where homosexuality is present and accepted in their cultures. The protagonist of the Sylvari (not the Pale Tree, but Caithe) was/is in love with Faolain. It was/is a mutual love, but Caithe did not want to join the Nightmare Court, so that’s what stopped them from being together.

How to dance V2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zayd Akira.1942

Zayd Akira.1942

I’m curious, why do you feel it is so obvious that the partner should be of the opposite sex?

Haha, you beat me to the punch!
That’s the first thing i thought as i read that sentence, especially considering since homosexuality is not completely unheard of in Tyria