How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vox.7310


Day after day, I grow tired of people undercutting by one copper, so I thought to myself.. What could be implemented that would make some of the players that would normally undercut, post for the lowest price instead?

Well, I quickly came up with the idea of having a discounted listing price if the price you’re posting for already has an item at that price.

Instead of a 5% posting price, drop it down to a 2.5% posting price.

It’s a very simple change, and will make players more susceptible to posting at the lowest price instead of creating a new price one copper below yours.

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: ghull.3571


It’s a free market. If someone is willing to sell an item for less than what you do than that’s their decision.

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vox.7310


And they still can. I’m not saying “Stop everyone from undercutting.” I’m saying “Add an incentive to lessen the amount of undercutting.”

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sonickat.6893


Day after day, I grow tired of people undercutting by one copper, so I thought to myself.. What could be implemented that would make some of the players that would normally undercut, post for the lowest price instead?

Well, I quickly came up with the idea of having a discounted listing price if the price you’re posting for already has an item at that price.

Instead of a 5% posting price, drop it down to a 2.5% posting price.

It’s a very simple change, and will make players more susceptible to posting at the lowest price instead of creating a new price one copper below yours.

If anything your suggestion would increase the number of people willing to undercut by 1 copper. Because they are going to make another 2.5% from the sale so why should they care if they lose 1 copper.

It’s a global economy and if the demand for the product can’t keep up with the supply being undercut a copper at a time. That is the natural order of supply and demand at work. Otherwise their supply will get consumed quick enough that you have nothing to worry about except a few more minutes until yours sells.

That said I do believe that there should be an increment to be undersold or outbid on items. Just like auctions where the bidding starts at 100 dollars and you must bid in 10 dollar increments.

If you out bid the highest bid you have to pay 5% more or if you undercut the lowest seller you have to sell for 5% less sort of thing. I think if your selling something for a gold and they are more likely to think about it if they have to sell it for 95s instead of 99s99c just to sell it quicker.

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vox.7310


If anything your suggestion would increase the number of people willing to undercut by 1 copper. Because they are going to make another 2.5% from the sale so why should they care if they lose 1 copper.

This just stuck out at me. Why do you think this? Your logic is actually backwards on this.

Here’s a scenario:

Offer: 2g 90s 90c

If I post something for 2g 90s 90c, I will get charged 2.5% of that price. If I decide to post it for 2g 90s 89c, I will get charged 5% of that price.

By the way: listing price is returned upon a successful scale. The majority of players don’t realize that.

This is simply a suggestion to add the incentive to post for the lowest price, not completely out-rule all undercutting. Thus the “SOME” in the title.

(edited by Vox.7310)

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZhangoSqu.5219


Well, I quickly came up with the idea of having a discounted listing price if the price you’re posting for already has an item at that price.

Instead of a 5% posting price, drop it down to a 2.5% posting price.

The only thing about this logic is that it is not a real deterrent as it only affects the first person to post something at the new price on the Trading Post and then, subsequently everyone else benefits from a lower listing price.

To make it viable, especially for highly volume commodities, you’d have to add more complexity to it; such as comparing the price you are listing at to the volume and price of other entries.

I think the other suggestions of having a minimum increment is a good idea; you could base the increment on the value of the object for sale, for instance ~10c items might have an increment of 1c, where as ~1s items might have an increment of 5c.

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vox.7310


That was another idea I had, I was thinking like a minimum of a 1% difference in price.

But, I knew at the time of having the idea that not everyone would take advantage of it, and it is those people that undercut others, which set off the chain of players that post for the price that undercutter priced his item at. Thus, less undercutting, and the price stabilizes (somewhat)

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZhangoSqu.5219


That was another idea I had, I was thinking like a minimum of a 1% difference in price.

But, I knew at the time of having the idea that not everyone would take advantage of it, and it is those people that undercut others, which set off the chain of players that post for the price that undercutter priced his item at. Thus, less undercutting, and the price stabilizes (somewhat)

I guess I see where you were going with it; but I guess what I would say is for the undercutter don’t charge them what they are charged now already—charge them more. For instance a 10% listing fee instead of the 5% or whatever it is now. Any way, market stabilization certainly would be nice. I’m honestly not sure why people are selling copper ore for less than 20c when its proven that people will actually buy it for 20c (or more)… seems to me like you’re just hurting your own profits…

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vox.7310


A 10% listing fee seems incredibly harsh to me. Like insanely harsh.

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZhangoSqu.5219


A 10% listing fee seems incredibly harsh to me. Like insanely harsh.

Your idea was to deter undercutting, wasn’ kitten

EDIT: Seriously? “wasn’t” and “it” is getting read as part of the female anatomy? ArenaNET needs to seriously look at their filter… re-written to appease the ArenaNET filter gods:

Your idea was to deter undercutting, was it not?

(edited by ZhangoSqu.5219)

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: tiltergaust.5491


tp undercutting? what about the people that havn’t been able to use the tp since early start? This kitten is out of control. Arena Net need to start compensating people for their loss of time and effort

How to fix SOME of the TP undercutting issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’d simply suggest they add an “undercut” option to the Trading Post that automatically posts and item for 99% of the previous price.

Thus you’re undercutting the previous price by 1%, which is a fair amount.

That way you don’t have to manually enter a price anymore when you undercut which should make the market more adoptable.