I decided to post this here in the Suggestion thread, since it deals more with ideas on how to improve the presence of Ascended items. Like many others, I’m deeply disappointed with the introduction of the Ascended tier, but ANet has made changes based on community feedback/outrage before. See the Mad King Chests for a good example. As such, I’m going to try and approach this from a more balanced, positive angle that allows for compromise on both sides.
First off, I hope ANet realises that the Ascended tier is totally vertical progression, no matter how they dress it up. It’s something they promised they wouldn’t do, and they broke that promise. For my fellow players, if you feel that broken promise is enough to make you quit the game, that is your choice and prerogative. (And if I’d been in the position of having several Exotic sets too, under the impression I was done grinding, I might have done the same.)
That said, I’m not totally unsympathetic to ANet’s side of the story; I work in IT myself. I understand that things can and do change. The world is constantly shifting, and you need to constantly adapt to meet those shifts. Promises can (and sometimes must) be broken, if circumstances change enough.
So, despite the outrage and anger over the introduction of Ascended items and infusions, there’s also a lot of us who still want to stay. We love the game, the world, too much to let it go. And we’ll grudgingly accept that Ascended tier is here to stay; now that people have had a taste of what Ascended/Legendary items can offer, they’re not going to want to go back. What ANet CAN do to mitigate this situation is two-fold, by:
a) Minimising the impact of Ascended items
b) Providing more options to acquire Ascended items
Minimising the impact of Ascended items
There is a large amount of concern from players that players with Legendary/Ascended items will have an advantage over players who don’t, due to the greater bonuses granted by those items. (And it seems that, with Infusions, this gap could be even wider.) This may not be so much of a problem in PvE, aside from elitism when grouping, but it could be a serious issue for sPvP and WvW, where battles can be won or lost due to a difference of 50 HP.
To eliminate this concern, ANet could simply scale down the power of Legendary/Ascended items so that they are no more powerful than Exotic items while in sPvP or WvW. They could even go as far as scaling them down in PvE, except when within the Fractals dungeon, although I imagine this will meet resistance from players who already have Legendaries/Ascended items.
Providing more options to acquire Ascended items
A large part of the discontent about Ascended items comes from the fact that players either:
a) Don’t want to be forced to “grind dungeons” to get Ascended items, or
b) the time and money they spent on their Exotic items was “wasted” because they have to re-obtain an Ascended set.
ANet can address both these issues by making it easier to get Ascended items by offering more options to players. Here’s some ideas:
1. Buff Exotic dungeon armor/equipment so they are Ascended tier, and retroactively apply this upgrade to all existing dungeon wares. (I’d also argue for Tier 3 cultural armor to be buffed, given its cost, but this is up for debate.)
2. Introduce new crafting recipes that allow crafters to make Ascended tier items. They may require a rare type of component that is obtained from the Fractals dungeon, from Dungeon Vendors (the “Gift of Ascension” is a possibility) or from high-end PvE/WvW chests.
3. Introduce new Mystic Forge recipes that allow players to upgrade existing Exotic items by placing it into the Forge, along with a special Infusion item (again, this could be the “Gift of Ascension”), which will spit out an Ascended item with an Infusion slot that has the exact same appearance as the Exotic item.
4. (I don’t like this solution, but I know some people would go for it in a heartbeat.) Add a new gem store item (Master Transmutation Stone?) that will upgrade level 80 Exotic items (and only level 80 Exotic items) to Ascended items. Master Transmutation Stones could also be added as rare drops from Black Lion Chests, or from completing Daily/Monthly achievements.
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I welcome more ideas from others.
I hope that you take these suggestions seriously, ANet. We love your work. The quality of the stuff that went into Halloween was nothing short of amazing, and we admire the passion and effort you and your staff put into the game. We want to work with you to make a game that everybody can enjoy.
~ Zaxares