How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Selphie Teclis.2913

Selphie Teclis.2913

This thread will get slightly ranty, warning you now.

K, as a player who followed the game religiously pre beta, lost interest, and just picked it up again now, I can really see why i stopped playing in the first place.

No matter how much you talk about “Personal Story” and being able to adventure alone, when it comes to the story missions, this just isn’t so. I’m 80% through the personal story, and I can’t count how many times I’ve been wiped and forced to retry because my npc’s die and I get swarmed by an amount of minions clearly meant for more than one person.
I clearly remember them saying that events and missions would scale based on how many people were there. So how come my 1 Elementalist is being zerged by 10, endlessly respawning guys?
And no one say to me “You’re dying cos you aren’t levelling/cos you’re a noob”, I’m 10 levels higher than required, with gear at that level, traits at that level, etc. and pretty much fully statted up for water/Earth so I wouldn’t die in 2 hits.(Even though I didn’t want to, but that’s another rant)
It’s literally as if the devs are telling me “Find someone willing to do the same quest, in the exact same questline, or suffer”

So please, if anyone got through all that, and happens to be on the dev team, please, for the love of Dwayna, work on your solo quests, add some mercenary npc’s like in gw1 or lower the spawn rate, just do something, Cos I don’t wanna find someone this late in the game willing to do my exact personal story quest, and I sure as hell don’t wanna have to res these kitten npc’s when they suicide into 50 guys.

How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redead.3016


I have done the story quest solo on 3 different characters already. Maybe you need to work on getting a better build or getting fully upgraded gear Exotics/Ascended. Honestly the PvE in this game is not hard at all but you have to know how to play your character class properly in order to win. If you find it too difficult then maybe think about changing character classes. You might be better at a different class.

How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I was able to solo the personal story except the last mission where you fight the draagon. It might have been the last two I needed help with. The later parts of the story can indeed be tough. Don`t expect to stand toe to toe and melt it. I did plenty of running away because I was getting swamped. You are right when you say the npc`s are worthless because 90% of the time they just stand there or die fast. Me a few friends call Logan Captain Worthless because in the missions he aids you, that is pretty much what he is. Just keep trying and reset mobs if you need to. Or you can use the lfg tool and ask for help or meet some people doing the same mission.

How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


Working on 4th characters Story, I think I have wiped in a story misson maybe 5 times total.

Can they be tough maybe, but unless you are playing it like other mmos and trying to speak damage you should be able to get thru.

The entire game is based around avoiding damage not soaking it. Try circling enemies and keep moving as you fight and they will be much easier

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

How was GW2 Optimised for solo characters?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirius.4510


I don’t believe I’ve ever had to group for a personal story stage that the game didn’t explicitly force (namely, Arah… thanks for that). I have seen a few ridiculous and/or annoying stages in it, but have yet to find one I can’t get past somehow.

In general, for a personal story stage that you can’t figure out how to beat, might want to check the wiki – they sometimes have tips on how to deal with these sorts of problems. Sometimes these forums also have a thread buried somewhere that you might be able to dig up with a search.

Also, some standard tricks – if the game gives you the option to avoid taking on an entire overly tough mob of enemies at once, you should do it – pull one out at a time and kill them that way. Slow and boring, but better than the alternative.
Melee-only enemies also have pathing that can be… umm… exploited If you’ve just got one to deal with but they suck, and you can find a sufficiently wide obstacle you can jump over but they’ll just walk around… yep.
There’s also the option to respawn and take a second attempt at whatever killed you last time, usually. I hate using this because it’s basically saying “my personal story involves me dying and coming back again”, but on the off-chance you’re more pragmatic than me…

Also, the GW2 crew does retune personal story stages from time to time. If you’ve got a problem with a specific one that hasn’t been addressed on these forums already, you might want to post about it to let them know that you can’t handle it with your class. Perhaps even phrase it as a question, since there are probably other people who have beaten that stage that can tell you how

Just a random PuGgle.
Stormbluff Isle ( )